Monday 30 January 2017

More heatwave

The talk yesterday was a great one. It was subtitled 'Social change starts in your own street'.
It  was both hard-hitting and relevant to today's zenophobic feel permeating much of our own country concerning the enormous problem of relocating refugees. 
The new mantra 'We just gotta look after ourselves' is not what Gandhi espoused and it was his memory whom we are honouring today. The room was hushed during the speech but most effusive in its wholehearted agreement and gave a great applause at the end. Mackay is indeed a great orator and writer, and most people would have gone home positively affected by what he said yesterday.

Tony Mundine stands up for a change in our National Anthem and I totally agree with him.
Our Foreign Minister may just prefer to live in LA with the stars.....
'Our Glad' is having big settling-in problems, understandably  so with NSW politics riddled with factions and corruption.
New French Left Leader Benoît Hamon may shape up, who knows?
The crowd sheltering from the heat inside Ruby's.
Clover pushing bicycles, again. Sydney unfortunately is not that user-friendly for bikes. 
The man was indeed a real Renaissance man, dying quite young but left a heritage to be long remembered.
Interesting shot of Rod Laver congratulating Roger Federer, with defeated Rafaël Nadal looking close to tears. It was a very thrilling and close encounter with Federer retiring for treatment just before he won the final set. Nadal's emotions are writ large on his ever expressive face. He will be back. Championships are won sometimes in a few seconds of luck or good management. This one was really a tie.

Today is at least 37 degrees and I am home in the airconditioning before an evening swim with Cherel at 7pm. A first.

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