Monday 16 January 2017

Return to the past

Today I am looking for a book by lost Aussie author Ion Idriess. A name  strangely familiar to me as in the fifties, when we had the only bookshop in Gosford, the names of the best-selling books, and others not so best-selling like 'Lolita' and 'Lady Chatterly's Lover', which were both banned, but which we had all the same, were etched in my memory.  Ion Idriess is one of them, and was recently written about in the SMH so I am about to read someone who my father said was one of his favourite Aussie writers, I believe.

The new Aussie 'Lleyton Hewitt', and a protegé of his, albeit Spanish reared and educated. His name is Alex De Minaur.
This writer has it right, Obama suffered from his racial origins more than anything else. We are so racist, we white colonialists.
Finland also has it right, again, with Primary Schools in nature and enjoyable for the kids. When I remember my schooling, although I loved it to get away for a bad homelife, it was very poor indeed, and I learned very little about nature, life and history. Very little indeed, it was just the three 'r's - readin', 'ritin'and 'rithmatic, and the ever-present discipline of 'the strap'!
The new camping, or some say, 'glamping', with a mobile espresso coffee waiting for you at breakfast time!!
Joel Meares is addicted to movies, like me. I wonder if he hated Lala Land as I did, or was grossly underwhelmed like me?
The people who buy takeaway coffees at Ruby's...

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