Saturday 14 January 2017

Sunday recovery

Last night was a delightful dinner at Cherel's where I met two more of her good friends, one an ex-pat Kiwi who was interesting. However his wife was more interesting as she is the person who has, with Cherel's help, started a Community Garden in Moana Street and now I have somewhere to go to get my fingers dirty and grow a few veggies. This was a great discovery and Jill, her name, will be a great teacher I am sure. Another goal to tick off.
Nick Cave with many demons in his mind...
Tony Abbott's gay sister showing off her expensive pad in droll is that.
With Turnbull looking more and more inconsequential....
What's this with child brides in the Muslim faith ??
Packer's problems....
And finally a reviewer I totally agree with about this poor movie!
The money to send kids to private schools and the the privileges they is mind-boggling!

Am having a coffee at Mana today for a change as I wanted to visit the Gnostic Forest. They have given up on the HU CDs so I may go elsewhere in the new year, in February, to find a new outlet.
Now to write an editorial for Cherel in her bid for more QiGong students.

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