Sunday 22 January 2017

Monday with Trish

Today I am booked to re-visit in the late afternoon Trish and her favourite sister Rob in Terrigal. Rob is over from NZ and will have lots of Kiwi news for me, and I want to sound her out for my possible visit to Amsterdam in August. She has a very good friend living there whom I would like to meet and Amsterdam is still a very lovely and user-friendly city. But who knows if I will really make this enormous trip so soon after returning to OZ.

Another week and a new President of the USA to contend with. This is someone no-one would have predicted and indeed very few like, but he has touched a chord in middle America and now they are paying for whom they voted into the highest office in the land. He is a flake in the real sense, but a powerful flake and one who leaves much debris in his wake. Let's hope the rest of the world does not also suffer in his wake, but I fear it will, for a while anyway. Trump may not last even the full year. Who can predict this volatile and corrupt world of politics? Impeachment is always a possibility.

In Melbourne the madman who drove his car into Bourke Street Mall has killed five people now, it is a carnage which should never have happened but severe mental illess is a hard one to deal with.
'Our Glad', ar least her first name is easy for the rest of Australia to pronounce, and it will be fascinating to see if she becomes a strong Premier, we certainly need one.
Trump is indeed unbelievable, as he constantly twists his truth and denies what he said previously. 
This is how you have to survive as a NIDA graduate these days it seems, as a Merman!
Is this the new face of male world tennis? Mischa Zverev has conquered Sir Undy in a nail-biting match.
But here is the Queen of women's tennis, Serena, staying supreme.

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