Sunday 29 January 2017

Hugh Mackay Gandhi Oration

I am trying to catch some sanity in this world by going to hear a lecture at UNSW today given by great Aussie speaker, writer, philosopher, but above all, social commentator and reformer, Dr Hugh Mackay OA. It is the Gandhi Oration, given annually at the UNSW on the anniversary of Gandhi's assassination, so it should be well worth the visit to the big smoke.

But Trumpism has begun with airport chaos from his rejection of seven countries with Muslims not being given US Visas for just being from these countries. What is the next step, when will the revolution begin?  This fascist dictator doesn't seem to have any brain function happening.
There are demonstrations in US airports but Trump just chooses not to see, not to listen, unless they agree with him.
Music in the form of Nigel Kennedy is good for the heart.
Some of the serious disruption caused by Trump's intervention...
John Hurt was one of Britain's greatest actors, gives up the ghost after a stellar career and fascinating life. He played the original Elephant Man.

1 comment:

  1. hullo my friend
    i hope the gandhi hugh mackay lecture is a great reminder of the power of one peace maker. i had the pleasure of working with mr mackay on a communication course for qantas mgt whn he was located at bathurst
