Thursday 30 October 2014

The Royal NZ Ballet at St James

It was a great night at the ballet - such a talented company and an imported Director and Production from UK made it all the better - to be actually 'the best'. J knew everyone there and I met some very nice people in the near full Elizabethan-style Theatre. The dancers were fabulous and the evening a delight. 
This was after, of course, my 'conversation francaise' with the group today at a choral conductor's house with great city views. Tous etaient tres gentils! Another big day in Wellington. To-morrow it's Everest!

At Jimmy's the morning after the ballet...
...young dancers everywhere, many of them outside for their obligatory 'gasper' to start the day
....there were great costumes and fabulous dancers.... really derserves an excellent review. Go see it!

Tuesday 28 October 2014

The Bacchanals - Blue Stockings

Yes it is another tour de force of Kiwi creativity, this production at The Long Hall, my new discovery which is right at my doorstep so to speak, in Roseneath, on top of Pt Jerningham. And of course it gets the winds 'in extremis', which we had last night at the opening of Blue Stockings, a turn of the century (20th!) piece played with great aplomb and dexterity by about seven local actors in the group called The Bacchanals.

The hall was set up with fairy lights in the naked ceiling  - stars in the sky - and the the set was in the centre of the oblong hall and we were all seated alongside the two opposing sides, in two rows. So it was theatre as it should be, with audience constantly engaged and the cast speaking and sometimes interacting with the audience. But is was basically a story of England's rather late entry into Gender Politics, it being revealed at the end that females only graduated from the great mle bastion Cambridge University in 1948, many many years after the suffragettes strutted the streets in London to get women's vote. We all know of course that NZ had the very first women's enfranchisement in 1893, and that they graduated not long after from Otago University. Again New Zealand was in the forefront of social change. However there are still parts where it lags behind, but not, certainly, in Wellington.

This was a great production and I am glad I cut short my Ti Whanawhana n to attend with J. Tomorrow night I have the The Christmas Carol NZ Ballet to see with J also.

But today was Koroi's birthday and he laboriously, with the help of our two home chefs, baked not one, but two chocolate cakes, one for work and one for home. Sonny decorated the work cake with great effect this morning and I ferried the birthday boy to work as he was already late. Tonight we will hear how his birthday bash went. They have obviously adopted him fully at Radio NZ as I knew they would, and he has certainly made it work for him too.
The poster..

The cast...

...the coffee next to the Embassy

Sunday 26 October 2014

Te Papa on a freezing holiday

I could not believe the Labour Day weekend could be such an awful day for people to celebrate the beginning of Spring and a day of the rights of the people. So I wake up to rain, wind and freeze and decide to go the Te Papa Museum to leave the damp of home and the housemates who are seemingly a bit disappointed too. Nothing much I can do there so I look after myself and jump in Bella and park in a church space not too far from this fabulous monument to the people. And yes it is packed with visitors who have the same idea as me. All the families are here and the cafe where I regularly attend is nealy too full, but I manage to get a quiet seat to enjoy my one coffee of the day. 

Luckily I see a Dom Post and on perusal I discover the Polish Migrants' exhibition is still on at the City and Sea museum just down the road, and this is certainly one I will visit later today. The 700 Polish children who were  brought here after the the second World War have made some vital contributions to the artistic and social fabric of New Zealand. My new friend J knows one of them very well and is an impassioned supporter of the this Polish remembrance day. If only for her sake I must visit the exhibition.
At Te Papa...


even the Tyrannosaurus...

...and someone sleeping it off!

When I get home later I must start my investigations into the funding for Neighbours' Day in 2015 or I will miss that opportunity, and obviously the chance for establishing a cafe in Roseneath.

Ballroom Championships

I am just having a quick coffee on the wharf outside the TSB Arena where the International Ballroom championships are being held in Wellie. I thought it would be a good stimulus for my dancing...!
Looking out from the caff..
...onto the TSB Arena, the biggest space for such an event..
They are all sparkling and shining, and dancing...

I have taken a lunch break to check parking and find the Old Bank Cafe, still working but as a shopping arcade, nice piece of Wellie History. The ballroom dancing, btw, is fabulous but I feel I haven't the time to put in to achieve that level. They are all dedicated dancers, but it is still good to see. 

Ironically on leaving later I found a parking fine on my windscreen, my first, (and last!) for $12 for exceeding the limit! I thought Sunday had no limit and now I know better!
At the Old Bank...
Me in red hat and winter scarf...!

Saturday 25 October 2014

Brooklyn in Wellington

Well I have discovered a very nice cafe in Brooklyn, and reasonable. Came for the local market, non existant, and found a cafe, strange that, lol!
On to the Toi Whakaari, with the Wellington dance-drama school graduate production of 'Into the Woods', a Sondheim classic and the young actor/ singers were excellent. It was a great reminder of Sondheim's genius. 
In the Brooklyn Cafe...nice croissants...

Great young actors..
In the Sondheim classic...
Outside in theatre foyer...

Home a bit later for a nap then back to pick up J to take her to the Playhouse production of Footnote Dance Company. A guest choreographer from Berlin produced a very challenging and youth-oriented dance drama which pleased some and not others. The dance was not the major element in the show unfortunately, with politics and socal commentary being the result of a fertile mind and a blank canvas. Not easy to like but still an experience I would expect from Berlin. 

Back at J's (whose house is amazing!) for cup of excellent Rooibos tea and long chat about council funding for Neighbourhood Day in March next year. Must get in my application before October 30. J kindly invited me to go with her to the opening night of NZ Ballet at St James Theatre next Thursday. Should be great.

Thursday 23 October 2014

Mucho Mucho Cafe

Taranaki actually hasn't got too much in the way of coffee shops, except of course, the famous Zebebe Restaurant where my housemate is part-time chef. So for the first time I go into the Cuban Cafe called 'Much Mucho'. My coffee is less than Mucho unfortunately but the atmosphere is great, with background Cuban music and an enormous mural depicting the famous Buena Vista Social Club in Havana. It also has a DANZ magazine on my table so as I am at the moment into local dance groups, I sit to read it. It is an excellent dance review of all things to do with dance in this vibrant artistic society. I haven't yet skimmed the surface of what there is on offer. At the Hannah Playhouse for Footnote tomorrow, I am sure I will meet some more creative people, that is, with Jennifer on my arm.

In the Dom Post I then read of the arrival of another artistic tour de force, a  Sondheiminterpreter from   England, Mark Dorrell,  who is musically directing 'Into the Woods', which I have never seen, so it now is on my list to see. Performed by the student group of Toi Whakaari it should be certainly worth the price of a ticket. So exciting things are afoot for this long Labour holiday weekend.

Wonderful mural in Cuban Cafe...
Japanese barista who cannot make a good coffee...
Some regulars...
The Danz magazine

Wednesday 22 October 2014

French Conversation at Roseneath

Meeting at ten am this morning with Jennifer and her friends to have moring tea and French conversation. They were all very nice, including a lovely French woman from Perpignan, a widow, tres chic bien sur, and we all had a lovely cup of coffee and a croissant at a home in Mt Vic around the steep corner from Roseneath. 

Naturally the conversation turned to the 'cafe deli' and that I knew the owner, ECKist Alex Tan, who was keen to sell. A lot of interest was generated but of course there were a few sceptics, but not Jennifer nor I. We finished with 'a la prochaine' as I think I will come again if invited. Roger, le seul homme, who spoke excellent French, had a birthday song as well. 

Jennifer had brought along with her Benezio, her little four year old Mexican grandson, and he was an absolute delight. We made arrangements to go to the Footnote Dance  group this Saturday at the Hannah Playhouse, all being well. Things are looking busy, hope I can get tickets.

Yesterday was a taste of summer..
But today back to winter and gale winds, that's Wellington

Just missed the bus so am waiting at New World supermarket with the Kiwi heroes the Silver Ferns showing their stuff on the bill-board. The wind today is near galeforce and very chilly and I need to get home to put on some warm clothes, you always have to be prepared in Wellington.

Tuesday 21 October 2014

ECK New Year

It is October 22 and I am in town to get ingredients for the orange cake to bake for tonight's ECK celebration at Flashdog Studios.
Jimmy's Cafe

The day is beautiful and yesterday was also, where I made a 'chance encounter' at the Roseneath Bus stop. Looking into the deserted Cafe Deli at the Roseneath shops, I stopped  to speak to two women, one  of whom then invited me to come for a walk to look at somewhere special. She, Jennifer, I later discovered, is a practicing dancer and teacher of Baroque Dance and has the operation of the The Long Hall, right on the peak of Point Germanstan, overlooking the bay and Cook Straits,absolutely unbeatable views. Formerly the Returned Soldiers' Club premises, whoah, it reverted to her  responsibility to restore when they have all but departed.

We spoke for half an hour or so, she says she wants to bring her two friends to learn French and also has a conversation for French lovers on Thursday to which she invited me. I said I would pick her up and go this Thursday, tomorrow. We'll see how it turns out. She is a very active, and even hyperactive widow, and lives just up the road in Maida Vale Road and is looking for stimulating company it seems. We share some dance background, she is a great fan of Graeme Murphy and seems quite a special person, that is if I can cope with her unbounded energy. I'll have to be careful as she could be a powerful energy to deal with.

Tonight is our Ocrober 22 celebration at the Flashdog studios and I am about to go home to bake my orange cake. Jimmy's cafe has been a light respite before I get home to bake. The weather is sublime btw, when Wellington really shines. People are now starting to pretend it is summer and wearing flip- flops and shorts, but not me, not by a long shot. Wrote a quick birthday card for Jeannies' birthday next week and then back home.
Btw, the new ED for BP has been appointed, without my knowledge I must say, so there are some questions to be asked there. I'll have to be very diplomatic, but strong. Why wasn't I brought into the loop, I may well ask.

Monday 20 October 2014

Sunny Wellie

Home at the Gotham for an excellent coffee. They have certainly been redeemed and now I find they have a loyalty system where you get a free coffee for every sixth you buy, something to look into ay?

Back from OZ and feeling a bit weird, espeically as I enjoyed my OZ trip very much inspite of the awful NZ weather we had while I was there. Lots to do here, the 'family' was in fine form and I had a nice chat with Sonny this morning, we have a lot of the same ideas regarding health and food, and I wanted to lend him my Anne Wigmore book but discovered I didn't have it, either I lent it to someone or left itwith  so many valuable books in Hobart. So bit it, I have to be detached from possessions, although that was indeed a dear one.
On now to see BP and see what has happened there, and also to pick up my new DVD of Theorem which I am excited to get, although it is a $50 fee for the transfer which is a bit rich, but hey, that's New 

I really do wondsr if I'll ever return to OZ. My four day  Hui in Hamilton will have a big effect on me I think..I'll wait and see. I have just paid my ticket for the Hui and all is in order. Today's weather is spectacular and I am off to Tiwhanawhana tonight to resume my Maori signing and poi classes.
My coffee and Scram at Gotham
...neighbours talking shop...
Deciding whether to try out Gotham...

Sunday 19 October 2014

Sydney departure

Well the five day trip is over and I just have to board Air New Zealand flight to be home in Wellieby three   this afternoon. I have done everything I wanted to do, including an unexpected funeral, and the family is still speaking to each other. All is well and I feel sis in WA has learned quite a lot from this trip.
My venture to Newcastle however brief it may have been, was positive in results, as I had a good feeling and naturally the weather was superb. The cultural climate will have to be re-discovered but it is only two hours to Sydney. My big conundrum is how to deal with the several offers of accommodation if I were to return.PK in Gosford and Sydney, is an attractve proposition, and then M and D in Woy Woy were quite adamant they want me to have their granny flat. Twelve months however is a long time and anything could eventuate so I am not deciding anything till after my UK trip next July/August.
I will keep sis happy by informing her of all my movements so she can travel or not depending on her whim. I could well make a return trip to Sydney in August for Peter's 80th birthday, fitting I suppose, as I organised my Mum's 80th in Gosford and it would be a good occasion to announce my future plans. So we'll see what happens. I am very happy to be returning home to Wellington today and still have lots to do and learn there, with radio, neighbourhood organisation, and Alliance Francaise which I will join on return. All with a long term plan to perhaps relocate to Newcastle in 2015/2016, who knows?

Relaxing at Syney airport too!

Am getting used to Sydney's grabbing me

Have spent the whole three hours listening to rabulous UK singerAdele, and thinking about my good friend L, who for me, Adele sings all her songs. She also reminds me physically of her as well, a delightful voluptuous woman, an individual with so much love to offer she often gets hurt.
Then on reading the Travel Section of the SMH it has whetted my appetite for more travel so I sit and think what I am taking home from this tiny five day jaunt to Sydney. First I have a few things to do on my return which will keep me very busy indeed for the remainder of my stay in NZ be it twelve months or twelve years, both of which are possible.

The woman opposite me,one up the aisle, is a very Kiwi lady, by that I mean she looks like a lesbian, sorry, but some women do. She has sensible buy very smart flat shoes, dressed in a male black shirt and slacks and has short greying, somewhat unkempt hair. She has the appearance of someone who doesn't give a damn how she looks for men, nor for women in that case. However she is totally bereft of make-up, has large hands and short fingernails, and somewhat mannish features, you get my drift?
 But what I find interesting is that she is tapping away solidy on her Mac Airbook, and is possibly a writer having just returned from Sydney having done some important research, or even perhaps from a romantic tryst with her lady friend, obviouslly a lipstick-lesbian if that be the case. I first noticed her very strong, firm and well shaped buttocks as she sat down in front of me. Muscular gluteus maximus, such as have most Kiwis who tramp a lot and who eat well and keep fit. She looks very fit indeed and is probably in her early sixties if I am not too harsh.  She could of course be an academic who is writing her lectures for her return to Victoria Campus. Probably that is the case, a boring academic! No, on second thoughts, she is doubtless a Trans-gender, I don't know why I didn't pick that before. She walks like a man, has expensive Bose earphones for her music, which she replaces carefully in their tailor-made pouch, along with her travel eye-mask, ans she is totally self contained and very quick to emerge first when the plane lands. It seems I bump into Trans people everywhere, or is this just New Zealand?

Anyway, home to number 91 bus waiting for me and an immediate transfer to number 14 to take me home. Such an efficient arrival I can't quite believe it. A rest, a snack, and now ready for my Monday night swimming session at Kilbirnie.

Family Dinner

It is Sunday night before my departure tomorrow, and the dinner planned by sis is coming to fruition, with the added assistance of old family friend A who is always a delightful addition.
Sis preparing table....
In Chinese Mandarin guise I relax while the others work....

The day has been a big one for everyone so we need to relax and hope everything goes well tonight. The food is still being prepared but the two guests who are expected have not yet arrived. 

Having a taster before main course...
The elder two, a little camera-shy.

Well finally everyone has arrived and the meal is quite ready. We are all happily chatting and the evening seems to be taking off. The eldest bro is very chatty although he got lost arriving by bus, the first time he had ever come by public transport! My dessert cake is well received although it wasn't my best and the evening comes to an end with an impromptu showing of PNG photos of Pete's life in PNG. At ten I am in bed hopIng to get some sleep before a very early start in the morning. The five days have come to a satisfactory end and I'll be happy to be home in wonderful Wellie tomorrow.

Friday 17 October 2014

Woy Woy Bliss

Arriving in Woy Woy to a hot day met by Dean at the station. A quick ride to their lovely home on WW Bay and still the weather is fabulous. A shower and lie-down before we hit the road to Pink Drinks on McMasters Beach, a spectacular view overlooking the ocean. But no, not meant to be, mistaken date so we go home to a more modest drinks and an omelette which M expertly prepares. A quiet night of catch-up, chatting and hearing all the amazing things M is achieving with his life at the moment. A good sleep  and a  hearty breakfast on the new refurbished balcony with a view to die for. 

Happily old friend Luke was available next day,  so M and I jump in the car to visit him for morning tea in his new villa not too far away. We have an excellent discussion of all things interesting and I decide I have time to go to Woytopia, which, co-incidentally my good friend Cherel is the co-organiser. This is  an amazing community event of eco-friendly people coming together to celebrate diversity and sustainability. There was an Aboriginal/Tongan rapper, called Radical Son,  a soul singer extraordinaire, the likes of whom I haven't heard since James Brown. It was worth it just to hear him sing once. What a happy event that was. Cherel generously drove me to the station so  I could arrive home early to prepare for the big dinner for family tonight before I fly out tomorrow, exhausted. 

It has been a great five days, gone in a flash!  Hopefully I will readjust to Wellington quickly on my return. But still more to go tonight....

Be good! Scully and Maisie..

An aperitif....

Eagle soaring....

Weather improves, Sydney spectacular

Well last night set the stage for a wonderful five days in this amazing city that Sydney has become.

I finally caught up with PK at his lovely Redfern house, met his Italian housemate and accepted a light meal he kindly had prepared for me - such a generous friend - and then off to the Seymour Centre to taste some Sondheim. And what an evening's entertainment it was. Called 'Sondheim on Sondheim', it was a recent production from Broadway to celebrate Sondheim's eightieth birthday two years ago, and was a pastiche of all his works, done by a young local team of four men and four women, all great singers in their own right and they were they fantastic! I was really amazed at the quality of their singing and the excellence of the total production. I am sure Sondheim himself would have been proud of them and really it was worthy of Broadway itself. Although not especially written for such a young team, they nevertheless carried the songs off with consummate professionalism and it felt like we were 'On Broadway'. It was sell-out performance, with lots of young ones there, plus many, many friends of Dorothy, who were all entranced with the skills both of the composer and the performers. A great night's theatre and it will be doubtless a continued sellout season. It was vintage Sondheim, and Peter also was impressed so much so that he immediately wrote to the NYC Sondheim Review with details of the show's excellence - and he is a hardened Sondheim critic.

So home to meet the freshly arrived sis from WA and all went well there and we were in bed by midnight.

After a light breakfast and coffee I was on my way to the city for my RV with H at the Art Gallery of NSW, in the beautiful sunny Hyde Park and Domain gardens. It was Sydney at its best. A text from H says he's on his way. But I just have time for my first coffee at Stonleigh Cafe on the edge of Hyde Park at St James metro station. The fountains in front of St Mary's Cathedral are sparkling in the sunlight and the park is filled with Chinese decorations for the Night Noodles which is on every night from now on. Spring has really sprung in Sydney and it is festival time. Just in front of me there are the chess playing addicts considering their next move under the protective branches of the majestic trees which grace this lovely parkland. Now on to meet H. 
The cool scene...
St Mary's at the back....
Chinese noodles extravaganza..
Very nice coffee....
The Chess Players.....

Well right on the appointed hour I am sitting on the steps of the AGNSW and a taxi rolls up and H descends  having come directly from the airport. He has his customary small carry-on bag and is dressed all in black, with cap and heavy shades as before. 
instantly recognise him and beckon to him. He instantly takes another position as he did last time, I think to avoid the sunlight to which I believe he is very sensitive. There are a lot of differences to this man and lots to learn as I discover in the next few hours as we decide to stroll through  the Botanical Gardens and talk. We eventually find his favourite seat overlooking the water lilies and hungry curious Ibises in order to sit a bench which is inscribed with a brass plaque 'To love is everything'.

The conversation ranges over many subjects but mainly what he knows about the gardens, their origins and what to do in Sydney for little money. He is obviously quite frugal but has great contacts who take him many places. I am sure he contributes his share as he is indeed a fount of knowledge.

However it is tiring so we take a break and I buy him a green tea as we sit outside one of the many small galleries and I eat a  roast beef sandwich, being a bit peckish. He says he has eaten on the plane and also he has a big dinner party on tonight. We chat a little more, he takes note of when I am next in Sydney, with many invitations to join him travelling if I am at all interested. He is not at all pushy, and we leave on good terms at Elizabeth Street where I take my bus to the Verona Cinema to cach a movie to relax me before returning home to Matraville and the family. It has been another very interesting encounter.

Tomorrow will be a big day and I want to have an early night. The movie I choose to see is about ageing elegantly in NYC, something I won't tell Hazel I have seen as she doesn't believe in ageing at all. It's called 'Advanced Style',  and it does happen, I'm here to tell you.

My first Sydney Movie, 'Advanced Style'

Veiw from Verona coffee shop...