Monday 20 October 2014

Sunny Wellie

Home at the Gotham for an excellent coffee. They have certainly been redeemed and now I find they have a loyalty system where you get a free coffee for every sixth you buy, something to look into ay?

Back from OZ and feeling a bit weird, espeically as I enjoyed my OZ trip very much inspite of the awful NZ weather we had while I was there. Lots to do here, the 'family' was in fine form and I had a nice chat with Sonny this morning, we have a lot of the same ideas regarding health and food, and I wanted to lend him my Anne Wigmore book but discovered I didn't have it, either I lent it to someone or left itwith  so many valuable books in Hobart. So bit it, I have to be detached from possessions, although that was indeed a dear one.
On now to see BP and see what has happened there, and also to pick up my new DVD of Theorem which I am excited to get, although it is a $50 fee for the transfer which is a bit rich, but hey, that's New 

I really do wondsr if I'll ever return to OZ. My four day  Hui in Hamilton will have a big effect on me I think..I'll wait and see. I have just paid my ticket for the Hui and all is in order. Today's weather is spectacular and I am off to Tiwhanawhana tonight to resume my Maori signing and poi classes.
My coffee and Scram at Gotham
...neighbours talking shop...
Deciding whether to try out Gotham...

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