Saturday 4 October 2014

Sunny Wellie

Today shows how Wellington has it over Auckland when it's sunny and today. I am at Cafe Scopa and know now why it is one of, if not, my most, favourite cafes on the Cuba strip. The background music is always great, the atmosphere cool, and the food and coffee excellent. And it's on a sunny corner where the street view is superb. So really it has it all, and I've just had some softly poached eggs on home baked sour dough toast to prove it. Later today I am off to Community Radio for their AGM to see what's happening in that are, and then back to ballroom which I missed last week. Wellington gives me so much I really don't know if I'll ever replace what it has to offer, anywhere!
View from my veranda...
Such a day!
In Cafe Scopa...
Looking on to Cuba...
Happy to be home...

Was glad to receive an email from the BP President to say my offerings were well accepted yesterday. I am fascinated to see if they will activate my deeply thought ideas on selecting the next CEO. I fear not however, as there is a deeply conservative element in the Board which will prevail, not the least that of the deep South of big L! I await with interest the outcome of today's further interviews, I would love to be a fly on the wall. However this week I am very busy and next week am in Sydney, so I really don't have to much time to ruminate on these matters. I'll just let it be.

Just read an article in Sunday press about chef  Yotam Ottolenghi, from London, famous for his culinary empire and books, Plenty, and Plenty More. Jewish, with business partner Palestinian, they grew up in Jerusalem and came together at the Cordon Bleu school in London. He is married to a man, they have a child and he is the New Age Icon for Gay Success stories, one for Sonny to emulate perhaps..ha ha!

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