Sunday 12 October 2014

Quiet Monday

These are the quiet scenes at home as I spend my penultimate day relaxing, packing, planning, all for my five day trip to OZ!
But really, it is a trip overseas, passport and all, with all the associated trials and tribulations, however miniscule they may be. I have to make sure all is in order at home, bills are paid, phone numbers left and everything is also prepared for my five days, especially now that my plans are to include a funeral at a hitherto unknown crematorium near Chatswood somewhere. But with the miraculous aid of the internet I have my multiple bus trip planned to the minute and all is under control. The only thing I need to confirm is Hadrian's meeting at the Art Gallery of NSW on Thursday at 1pm. I may ring him now from the airport. Am still not completely au fait with my phone's ability to be used in Sydney, but I think I'll just wing it and see what bill I get next month. 

The Interfaith meeting at At Andrew's went well, four people only were there,  but more was achieved than before and we are now officially on their mailing list, having invited all interested people to our Spiritual New Year on October 22. It will be fascinating to see if anyone comes, but I doubt it.
Then on to my regular swim at Kilbirnie and it went well with the lovely men who join me there to try and keep fit. Home to a busy household of three young people all vying for talk-space in the kitchen where so much is going on I just retreat to my space and relax. I don't know what I have created here but it is organic, and it is growing!!

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