Tuesday 7 October 2014

Gale Winds and bad buses, warm sweater!

Am sitting in warmish Gotham ( did I say I wasn't ever coming back here?)  but anyway, I am here as I had a bad bus experience this morning and wanted a coffee and a scam, a mini roll with egg and ham it seems. It was quite nice and the coffee is Havana at least, but a single hit, not a double which is essential for a real coffee. I don't know why some cafes are so mean as to only give one, two should be the norm.
My  warm as toast possum sweater from T!

Gotham City once more..

Italy's first openly gay ambassador Carmelo with his spouse Javier, loving the climate in Wellington

A cigar smoking hipster outside in the cold...

Am in the process of finalising my Sydney trip and a spanner is thrown in when I discover through bro that sis in WA has decided to come over at the same time, and of course organise a family get-together. Immediately I am assailed with a sick feeling in my stomach as I recall her other attempts at organising family reunions. For me they are always a disaster, but I just try to keep above it. Bro tells me to ring her which I do, no answer, so I leave a message and also send an email telling her my mobile details. She replies, frustrated and not happy about finding that my Sydney trip is all booked up and she won't have the pleasure of having the reunion, by the way, something none of us particularly wanted, especially as I had just spent ten long days in Perth visiting that part of the family. Oh well I'll just let it be and tell bro to organise something if he wants to the night I arrive which is the only free night I have. Sis will just have to put up with that, at least it will be over the first night I arrive as I have a chock-full schedule for the other four days. Yes, I only have five days in total so there is very little time to see many people. In the mean time, foget it and let Sydney look after itself. I tried to ring bro but his phone is off the hook... interesting.
Now to get my card off to Therese to tell her how much I love the possum sweater, perhaps my friends in Melbourne deserve me more than Sydney, who knows where my next move may be.

Today gale force winds lash Wellington so it is true the weather changes everyday here...for better or for worse.

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