Wednesday 8 October 2014

Home Cafe

Am waiting at the end of a very long queue to get a cup of coffee. The day dawned so warm I did my washing and bought my ticket to Soldiers Pt for next Friday. All done, I decided to go into town and was joined by my downstairs neighbour Kat, who is an absolute delight. She has lived everywhere and is now studying Architecture at Victoria University. She is indeed a breath of fresh air so I invited her to join 'Neighbourly', our local scene where I am ostensibly a Team Leader, not that I've yet done anything!

So then into the National Library to catch up on things, and see a marvellous Bull Terrier on the front page of the Dominion Post, reminding me so much of my beautiful Sappho who was sady taken from me at a young age in Melbourne. Lovely dogs the buff terriers, and much, and wrongly, maligned.

Soon I will get my coffee and relax looking at young Adams, playing big Leggo at my feet. It is a very popular cafe this one, and you really have to wait, especially at lunch time. I am now really on count- down to Sydney but think everything is under control, all organised,  and it will be good. Let's hope the weather is warm and inviting as well.
Young Adams playing Leggo....

Serious networking....
Busy busy cafe...
Beautiful Bull Terrier...

Twins 'of a certain age' checking their iPhones...

Design innovation for seating...

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