Sunday 26 October 2014

Te Papa on a freezing holiday

I could not believe the Labour Day weekend could be such an awful day for people to celebrate the beginning of Spring and a day of the rights of the people. So I wake up to rain, wind and freeze and decide to go the Te Papa Museum to leave the damp of home and the housemates who are seemingly a bit disappointed too. Nothing much I can do there so I look after myself and jump in Bella and park in a church space not too far from this fabulous monument to the people. And yes it is packed with visitors who have the same idea as me. All the families are here and the cafe where I regularly attend is nealy too full, but I manage to get a quiet seat to enjoy my one coffee of the day. 

Luckily I see a Dom Post and on perusal I discover the Polish Migrants' exhibition is still on at the City and Sea museum just down the road, and this is certainly one I will visit later today. The 700 Polish children who were  brought here after the the second World War have made some vital contributions to the artistic and social fabric of New Zealand. My new friend J knows one of them very well and is an impassioned supporter of the this Polish remembrance day. If only for her sake I must visit the exhibition.
At Te Papa...


even the Tyrannosaurus...

...and someone sleeping it off!

When I get home later I must start my investigations into the funding for Neighbours' Day in 2015 or I will miss that opportunity, and obviously the chance for establishing a cafe in Roseneath.

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