Thursday 16 October 2014

Day 1, Sydney cyclone!

When Sydney does storms, it really knows how to do them. Last night at my bro's house in Matraville I felt the roof was to be lifted  off, and the rain came rumbling down. Incredibly nothing was uprooted as br feared it might given the sandy soil near his home. But all well and am out after a hot porridge, into a chilly wet morning, and no, I did not prepare myself for this eventuality, Sydney in October is always HOT!
A perfect coffee at the Coffee Club at Maroubra Junctuon, my first stop to post T's parcel to Melbourne. Then in to the car registry at Bondi and lunch with other bro at his monastery. A big day ahead of me with Seymour Centre and a Sondheim Musical tonight with good friend PK.
This Junction is always very busy

Excellent coffee!

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