Thursday 23 October 2014

Mucho Mucho Cafe

Taranaki actually hasn't got too much in the way of coffee shops, except of course, the famous Zebebe Restaurant where my housemate is part-time chef. So for the first time I go into the Cuban Cafe called 'Much Mucho'. My coffee is less than Mucho unfortunately but the atmosphere is great, with background Cuban music and an enormous mural depicting the famous Buena Vista Social Club in Havana. It also has a DANZ magazine on my table so as I am at the moment into local dance groups, I sit to read it. It is an excellent dance review of all things to do with dance in this vibrant artistic society. I haven't yet skimmed the surface of what there is on offer. At the Hannah Playhouse for Footnote tomorrow, I am sure I will meet some more creative people, that is, with Jennifer on my arm.

In the Dom Post I then read of the arrival of another artistic tour de force, a  Sondheiminterpreter from   England, Mark Dorrell,  who is musically directing 'Into the Woods', which I have never seen, so it now is on my list to see. Performed by the student group of Toi Whakaari it should be certainly worth the price of a ticket. So exciting things are afoot for this long Labour holiday weekend.

Wonderful mural in Cuban Cafe...
Japanese barista who cannot make a good coffee...
Some regulars...
The Danz magazine

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