Sunday 19 October 2014

Family Dinner

It is Sunday night before my departure tomorrow, and the dinner planned by sis is coming to fruition, with the added assistance of old family friend A who is always a delightful addition.
Sis preparing table....
In Chinese Mandarin guise I relax while the others work....

The day has been a big one for everyone so we need to relax and hope everything goes well tonight. The food is still being prepared but the two guests who are expected have not yet arrived. 

Having a taster before main course...
The elder two, a little camera-shy.

Well finally everyone has arrived and the meal is quite ready. We are all happily chatting and the evening seems to be taking off. The eldest bro is very chatty although he got lost arriving by bus, the first time he had ever come by public transport! My dessert cake is well received although it wasn't my best and the evening comes to an end with an impromptu showing of PNG photos of Pete's life in PNG. At ten I am in bed hopIng to get some sleep before a very early start in the morning. The five days have come to a satisfactory end and I'll be happy to be home in wonderful Wellie tomorrow.

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