Sunday 12 October 2014

At Tom's for coffee and the Zoo

After a very big night of Scottish Dancing at Lower Hutt where I returned at the quite late hour of midnight, I slept in and woke to another beautiful sunny day with  the two boys sleeping in even later. Fir was already at her job, loving her work as she does. The Radio program is on today and then my dancing at night, this is the total of my today's activities. However a text from Tom allows me to change plans and have a nice home made coffee with him and Brent at his home, catching up on the news and stories of his country home in Hawkes Bay of which he shows me several photos. It was formerly the post office and still has the original red telephone box out front. He bought it for a song and has transformed it of course, also with a small rental property at the back. Tom is nothing if if not canny with  money.

I then decide to take a drive to the Zoo to see where it is and also have a quiet ginger cake with another coffee while I await the three o'clock  RV for the radio program this afternoon with G and D.  The zoo is easily accessible, as is everything here, and the day is sunny with a cool breeze blowing as I sit ouside with some young people and have a nice coffee. 

Tom has lent me a book by an Indian Sikh, called  'Chef', rather fitting for me as it is set in Kashmir and the young hero is actually a chef, exactly as is my young housemate Sonny. I'm sure I will learn a lot from reading it.

 The Wellington Zoo, btw, looks excellent, if a little small, but then it is fitting for a city the size of Wellington. I am back here in November to hear the Glamaphones sing their final concert for the year in the 'Wild' theatre. I look forward to it, but am now enjoying the Indian novel forgetting momentarily that in two days I will be in the hurley-burley that is Sydney.

Tom's coffee house...
...with Brent hard at work cleaning the door for painting.
The crowd at the Zoo Cafe in the sun...

In the smokers area, back of the Laundry...

Back for a quick hamburger at The Laundry, like the Library, a very popular venue, this time on a pretty balmy Sunday evening with some live music and even a life-model art session for those aspiring artists amongst us.
The radio program went well and I even dropped DH home to his house at Kilbirnie, he wanted a ride in Bella, he said, but it left me a bit tight for arriving at ballroom dancing at 7pm. I'll have to let him know next time of my tight schedule as I don't think anyone has such a tight a schedule as I do, especially on Sunday afternoon. Now on to the dance....

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