Monday 13 October 2014

Sydney trip

Early arrival as I like to do at Wellington airport where all is quiet but organised. Some good staff at Air NZ show me how to electronically get my boarding pass, and there are no problems with weighing my carry-on. I should never have worried. Now as I am two hours early I can relax with a coffee and read the GQ I extravagantly  bought at the airport shop. It is a big one with lots to read in the UK edition so I will be able to catch up with all the London gossip, still quite close to my heart!
Also found a new journal for my dreams, entitled, Aoteraroa, Land of the long whilte cloud, a suitable book for my dream-filled nights in Wellington.

So all is in order, and it seems it will be cool and wet in Sydney, merde, but so be it, at least I am used to it! I may as well have something solid to eat here as there will be no food on board worth eating and then I arrive in Sydney at six pm, their time.
...still rugged up....
New purchases to start my trip!

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