Wednesday 22 October 2014

French Conversation at Roseneath

Meeting at ten am this morning with Jennifer and her friends to have moring tea and French conversation. They were all very nice, including a lovely French woman from Perpignan, a widow, tres chic bien sur, and we all had a lovely cup of coffee and a croissant at a home in Mt Vic around the steep corner from Roseneath. 

Naturally the conversation turned to the 'cafe deli' and that I knew the owner, ECKist Alex Tan, who was keen to sell. A lot of interest was generated but of course there were a few sceptics, but not Jennifer nor I. We finished with 'a la prochaine' as I think I will come again if invited. Roger, le seul homme, who spoke excellent French, had a birthday song as well. 

Jennifer had brought along with her Benezio, her little four year old Mexican grandson, and he was an absolute delight. We made arrangements to go to the Footnote Dance  group this Saturday at the Hannah Playhouse, all being well. Things are looking busy, hope I can get tickets.

Yesterday was a taste of summer..
But today back to winter and gale winds, that's Wellington

Just missed the bus so am waiting at New World supermarket with the Kiwi heroes the Silver Ferns showing their stuff on the bill-board. The wind today is near galeforce and very chilly and I need to get home to put on some warm clothes, you always have to be prepared in Wellington.

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