Friday 17 October 2014

Woy Woy Bliss

Arriving in Woy Woy to a hot day met by Dean at the station. A quick ride to their lovely home on WW Bay and still the weather is fabulous. A shower and lie-down before we hit the road to Pink Drinks on McMasters Beach, a spectacular view overlooking the ocean. But no, not meant to be, mistaken date so we go home to a more modest drinks and an omelette which M expertly prepares. A quiet night of catch-up, chatting and hearing all the amazing things M is achieving with his life at the moment. A good sleep  and a  hearty breakfast on the new refurbished balcony with a view to die for. 

Happily old friend Luke was available next day,  so M and I jump in the car to visit him for morning tea in his new villa not too far away. We have an excellent discussion of all things interesting and I decide I have time to go to Woytopia, which, co-incidentally my good friend Cherel is the co-organiser. This is  an amazing community event of eco-friendly people coming together to celebrate diversity and sustainability. There was an Aboriginal/Tongan rapper, called Radical Son,  a soul singer extraordinaire, the likes of whom I haven't heard since James Brown. It was worth it just to hear him sing once. What a happy event that was. Cherel generously drove me to the station so  I could arrive home early to prepare for the big dinner for family tonight before I fly out tomorrow, exhausted. 

It has been a great five days, gone in a flash!  Hopefully I will readjust to Wellington quickly on my return. But still more to go tonight....

Be good! Scully and Maisie..

An aperitif....

Eagle soaring....

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