Saturday 25 October 2014

Brooklyn in Wellington

Well I have discovered a very nice cafe in Brooklyn, and reasonable. Came for the local market, non existant, and found a cafe, strange that, lol!
On to the Toi Whakaari, with the Wellington dance-drama school graduate production of 'Into the Woods', a Sondheim classic and the young actor/ singers were excellent. It was a great reminder of Sondheim's genius. 
In the Brooklyn Cafe...nice croissants...

Great young actors..
In the Sondheim classic...
Outside in theatre foyer...

Home a bit later for a nap then back to pick up J to take her to the Playhouse production of Footnote Dance Company. A guest choreographer from Berlin produced a very challenging and youth-oriented dance drama which pleased some and not others. The dance was not the major element in the show unfortunately, with politics and socal commentary being the result of a fertile mind and a blank canvas. Not easy to like but still an experience I would expect from Berlin. 

Back at J's (whose house is amazing!) for cup of excellent Rooibos tea and long chat about council funding for Neighbourhood Day in March next year. Must get in my application before October 30. J kindly invited me to go with her to the opening night of NZ Ballet at St James Theatre next Thursday. Should be great.

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