Sunday 19 October 2014

Sydney departure

Well the five day trip is over and I just have to board Air New Zealand flight to be home in Wellieby three   this afternoon. I have done everything I wanted to do, including an unexpected funeral, and the family is still speaking to each other. All is well and I feel sis in WA has learned quite a lot from this trip.
My venture to Newcastle however brief it may have been, was positive in results, as I had a good feeling and naturally the weather was superb. The cultural climate will have to be re-discovered but it is only two hours to Sydney. My big conundrum is how to deal with the several offers of accommodation if I were to return.PK in Gosford and Sydney, is an attractve proposition, and then M and D in Woy Woy were quite adamant they want me to have their granny flat. Twelve months however is a long time and anything could eventuate so I am not deciding anything till after my UK trip next July/August.
I will keep sis happy by informing her of all my movements so she can travel or not depending on her whim. I could well make a return trip to Sydney in August for Peter's 80th birthday, fitting I suppose, as I organised my Mum's 80th in Gosford and it would be a good occasion to announce my future plans. So we'll see what happens. I am very happy to be returning home to Wellington today and still have lots to do and learn there, with radio, neighbourhood organisation, and Alliance Francaise which I will join on return. All with a long term plan to perhaps relocate to Newcastle in 2015/2016, who knows?

Relaxing at Syney airport too!

Am getting used to Sydney's grabbing me

Have spent the whole three hours listening to rabulous UK singerAdele, and thinking about my good friend L, who for me, Adele sings all her songs. She also reminds me physically of her as well, a delightful voluptuous woman, an individual with so much love to offer she often gets hurt.
Then on reading the Travel Section of the SMH it has whetted my appetite for more travel so I sit and think what I am taking home from this tiny five day jaunt to Sydney. First I have a few things to do on my return which will keep me very busy indeed for the remainder of my stay in NZ be it twelve months or twelve years, both of which are possible.

The woman opposite me,one up the aisle, is a very Kiwi lady, by that I mean she looks like a lesbian, sorry, but some women do. She has sensible buy very smart flat shoes, dressed in a male black shirt and slacks and has short greying, somewhat unkempt hair. She has the appearance of someone who doesn't give a damn how she looks for men, nor for women in that case. However she is totally bereft of make-up, has large hands and short fingernails, and somewhat mannish features, you get my drift?
 But what I find interesting is that she is tapping away solidy on her Mac Airbook, and is possibly a writer having just returned from Sydney having done some important research, or even perhaps from a romantic tryst with her lady friend, obviouslly a lipstick-lesbian if that be the case. I first noticed her very strong, firm and well shaped buttocks as she sat down in front of me. Muscular gluteus maximus, such as have most Kiwis who tramp a lot and who eat well and keep fit. She looks very fit indeed and is probably in her early sixties if I am not too harsh.  She could of course be an academic who is writing her lectures for her return to Victoria Campus. Probably that is the case, a boring academic! No, on second thoughts, she is doubtless a Trans-gender, I don't know why I didn't pick that before. She walks like a man, has expensive Bose earphones for her music, which she replaces carefully in their tailor-made pouch, along with her travel eye-mask, ans she is totally self contained and very quick to emerge first when the plane lands. It seems I bump into Trans people everywhere, or is this just New Zealand?

Anyway, home to number 91 bus waiting for me and an immediate transfer to number 14 to take me home. Such an efficient arrival I can't quite believe it. A rest, a snack, and now ready for my Monday night swimming session at Kilbirnie.

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