Tuesday 3 November 2015

Losing Olivia

Woke up to an email saying Olivia leaves on December 2 back to Canada, study calling. I feel it may have been more than that but no worries, I will find a replacement hopefully for a longer period than two months!   In the meantime I have my second Toastmasters today which may be a challenge...

Roseneath tops the wealthy suburbsis why my rent is going up perhaps?
The landlord coming to check the leaking floor today...

Michelle snd Stevie Paynethe champions of yesterday's biggest race of the year. From a Kiwi family, although both born in Australia, the Paynes are quintessentially a kiwi horse dynasty and there is no doubt this is why they are winners.

When will the Vatican come clean?

On my table at the Memphis...this man is decidedly weird...

Mark Reasonextolling the talents of Dan Carter, along with the rest of the world, reckons he is the Player of the Year! Both Carter and Mealamu, on left, are Maori.

Latest research on the gutproblem, with the increasing   global spread of obesity and diabetes, is that we have become dependent uopn antibiotics from a young age, which in turn, is severely decreasing our auto-immune systems. Also the proliferation of C-section births could contribute to this lack of immune system, where the newborn baby is deprived of its mother's bacterial juices because the birth is 'unnatural'. One doctor is now smearing vaginal juices of the mother onto the babe's lips so this might be remedied. The other means being used more and more, is faecal transplant, as weird as it may sound, faeces carry the necessary bacterial content to help create a healthy immune system. We are actually being 'too clean', and the result is becoming more evident everyday with increasing early allergies and unexplained deficiencies in babies. A bit of dirt is good for you and this may well explain my good health in spite of a compromised immune system from my hiv infection.

Rob Knight 'Follow your Gut'

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