Thursday 12 November 2015

Chilly Friday - nothing is sure!

Yesterday was one of the fullest days you can imagine, something which this windy city allows, many things for a busy person to do. After coffee with Tom then home to discover more smells in the kitchen so indeed a phone call for the Landlord to get the plumber in today. Booked for nine a.m. he didn't turn up, so I left to come into Memphis. Here I meet Anita, my coffee friend, who tells me the same Niki is looking at her room tomorrow also so nothing is sure until the money is in the bank, I learned that one last time.
Dancers at Diwali...this big celebration yesterday was at the Police Headquarters in Molesworth Street on the fifteenth floor. A big turnout for what was a multi- cultural celebration and an opportunity for a bit of politics. The two groups, musicians and dancers, were from Malaysia and were really world class. I did not, however stay for the feast of food as the night before was enough Indian food for a week. Happily I set off to Kilbirnie pool to do my regular swimming which always makes me feel good. And  then I had the energy to go to the new James Bond Movie 'Spectre' with Daniel Craig and French Léa Seydoux. It was classic action Bond, and although a little long at nearly two and a half hours, it was a good eleven dollars worth.

Yesterday I also visited Niki's exhibition. She is talented and probably an even better teacher. I have arranged to meet her for coffee at Memphis on Monday at 12.30 to talk further. I am happy to take her if she so decides. I think she would be perfect and it may well be in her interest to take the house as well. Hopefully by the time she comes the water leak problem will be fixed as that is very important, the house is starting to smell very mouldy.

Diwali lights at Jack and Pushpa's

Mou Mou being Mou Mou

The window-washer at Memphisdown low, on right!

Niki's poster at the exhibition

One of Niki's landscapes for $500

So I will be detached and see what happens, in the meantime I have a big weekend with Graeme in Whanganui, then back to find out the result with Niki on Monday.
At midday today I am going to St. Andrew's for a visiting talk by famed Egyptian Doctor Omnia Marzouk, the President of the Initiative of Change International. Sounds like something I need to know about

And tonight the HU at Flashdog Studios. I forgot to mention I chanted the HU at the Diwali at Pushpa and Jack's and it seemed to go down well. The Hindi love singing as well, although no-one joined in interestingly, but a couple spoke to me later about it. At least it was a HU outing!

Omnia Marzoukgave a fantastic speech about her organisation throughout the world to make change for the better. I agreed with everything she said and will check out the website to see what they are doing in Australia. It is all about communicatingon common ground, getting over our differences and making a positve step forward for peace and world ecological sustainability.

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