Thursday 19 November 2015

Richie retires

All over the paper, naturally, is Richie McCaw's retirement. In the shadow of the God Joshua Lomu, Richie fades just a little but he's still there and you'd better believe it. And not with the vanity exuded by Warren Beatty whose failures were memorialised by Carly Simon in her great rendition of 'You're so vain' now admitting this song was about her former boyfriend Beatty.
Bashed but still beautiful...

The ultimate win....

The vanity of Warren recorded in song by Carly

Front page departure of Richie

Sweet Angie from Hawaiijoins us for a coffee at Memphis

It has been an interesting morning at Memphis, Tom arrived, then PH comes in for his allotted rendezvous, and we get together with American traveller Angie from Hawaii who is quite chatty so we  exchange FB addresses. Lots to talk with PH, but soon both he and Tom go and I am left with another newcomer who tells me she is Judy, recently arrived from Auckland. Very chatty,  she is reading a book by Christina Stead called 'My life as Judas' or something like that. Obviously an interesting book so we start to chat and she reveals she feels different in Wellington. Our conversation goes all over the place. At the same time a decidedly odd woman, possibly of Maori descent, sits next to me and wants to drink water. She is mostly silent, and seems hungy and when I order a toasted roll she asks me for the rest of it which I give her. I am of two minds to buy her a cake, but know that Johnny is keeping his eye on her so I decide against it and don't encourage her. She obviously likes the vibe of Memphs but is not good for their clientele I'm afraid.

The morning disappears fast,  and I realise I have a Tiwhanawhana meeting at the Wellington hospital at 3.30 to witness the award of Keri's Medical Year Four  for their work with Takataapui. I need to attend as I know not many will be there. So I am now sitting in the foyer of the hospital, watching the wheelchairs roll in and out, and feeling the chill wind as it blows inevitably though the large automatic doors at the entrance. Today were predicted gales for Wellington.

Also Sonny has texted me saying Koroi is helping him move today instead of tomorrow, fine by me, so I say I can't make it but 'Good Luck and stay in touch'. I'll go home tonight to a different place! Tomorrow is Jennifer's party as well, and with Niki, it should be interesting. Life is never dull in Wellington.

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