Monday 23 November 2015

Tuesday try-out

Last night at Tiwhanawhana showed me just what the Maori community, the whanau, is all, about. It is sharing and helping without expectation which is I suppose as close to unconditional love as you can get, and it is this which doubtless is attracting me to stay in this weird and wonderful country.
Suspicion there is not tight enough duty of care..

Appearing more and more in the news...u

But people are going overboard with quack remediesalthough I am totally an 'alternate ' person.

All ages at the Memphis

Today I am hoping the force is with me as after reposting on easyroomate I got a reply with interest from Marty, a young 30 yo chef in Cuba Street. He is coming to see the room today after meeting me at the Memphis  at one o'clock. So at two we will have the possible household all together at one time. Could be auspicious! Cate just texted me with a negative, very polite, which I was happy about. She was not the right one anyway. Here's hoping Marty might be a good one, I know a young man is what I need in that small room, and I supposie I could cope with yet another 'chef'!

Ann Hunt giving measured review 

But the pantomime takes the cake!

Leonardo's movie to see tomorrow! Produced by Arts Access it is a must see for me, also a possible outlet for showing them my doco 'Theorem' about Aldo.

Excellent articleby local lawyer Peter Cullen in today's Dom Post

I'm wondering if young Czech chef Marty is the one to fill Sonny's place? Am hoping so....

How did I finish this quite excellent day by rashly going out to a nine pm movie whose name I will never remember, and which may well have been the worst movie I have ever seen. Hollywood at its most ugly, employing three big stars to sell a sordid unbelievable story which brings all their reputations down. Three Oscar winners in a total flop! Suffice to say two of them were Nicole Kidman and Julia Roberts.

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