Wednesday 4 November 2015

Freezing weather for Charlie

This morning I woke at seven a.m. after having had lots of dreams, but none remembered. I went back for a nap and thought I might dream some more, and remember them this time. Well I did just that, and my lucid dream this morning forboded some very troublesome business in the future. My somewhat incendiary letter to the board of Body Positive will have had its effect, but it may well have boxed me into a corner out of which I will not be able to emerge unscathed.

 My dream was very vivid and had me lost, stuck in a very unsavoury place with no way out. This could well be my position now with Body Positive when I go to Auckland in two weeks to plead our case which has no chance of winning. I have made my bed so I must lie down on it I suppose. I have asked Tom to come in for a consultation so I hope he arrives. 

Or does this dream have a bigger meaning, that I am in the wrong country, lost and can't get out? Time to think seriously.

What I am hoping, now forewarned, is that if I have prepared a conciliatory and explanatory case for the many passionate members on the ground, that we may salvage something out of the bloody mess. After all, there is some right in what we are claiming, it's just that we don't have a viable alternative to offer.  New Zealand is a difficult nut to crack, but it's interesting that the two at the front here are both not Kiwis either, they are an Englishman and an Aussie/ Canadian

In the meantime, very quietly in the wake of the All Blacks' historic victory, Prince Charles and Camilla have arrived in NZ for a short tour. And what weather greeted them! Eight degrees and and an icy wind is not the best welcome to Wellington I can assure you.

Charles does his best to smile in awful weatherCamilla has gone to ground with a bad cold!

But Richie is up and running with the
 Cupand tomorrow they arrive in Wellington!

Eddie doing a boogie...behind the bar.

The story of successwon by hard, consistent work with a loving family behind her, the Paynes are quintessentially a Kiwi family, but now living in country Victoria. This was quite a milestone for women in the heavily male-dominated sport of racing. Hopefully the ripples will have some long term effect for women jockeys.

Well Tom arrived but with little solace as he sees a defunct future for Body Positive, but advises that we should be heard. So I suppose that is the premise with which I will approach the meeting, as a lost cause, but one that we believed in. I must not renege from my letter he said, although it was was a strong one, and certainly has cost friendships which in any case would never have happened, of that I am sure.

When I do go to Auckland it will be as much for Pam as for BP. Her's seems to be a lost cause too it seems, but do I invite her back to her former home? Perhaps that is a backward step too.

Tonight is an interesting 'first' in Maori theatre at the Circa. It is the preview of 'All my Sons' by Witi Ihamaera about the Maori participation, or not, in the First World War. Lee, from Memphis, is part of the production, and most of Memphis staff will be there, so I am really looking forward to it, albeit sacrificing a swim at Kilbirnie and drinks later at Bebemus. Perhaps I can drop in to Bebemus anyway if it's not too late.

More news - the old adage 'the only sure thing is change' proves true yet again when Sonny tells me the landlord has been here with the plumber and predicts about $20k to spend on bathroom and kitchen. He sees obviously that Roseneath is now the wealthiest suburb in Wellington and to get the highest rent he obviously needs to renovate. All this will mean a change for me too. Sonny then says he is moving in December with his Mum to a bigger place. Not surprising as I knew he would never pay two rents at once, so more changes afoot there. And he also has a new job at Hotel Amora which will impress his Mum a bit more as well.

 I wonder how long I will last here? It may well be till after the ECK seminar in April as when I return this house may well be unrentable. Sell all and move back to OZ, or mention to Y that I will soon in 2016 need a place to stay and his house is extra large? Just an idea worth floating, if the response is no, then no problems. This will probably be his answer anyway.

Taki Rua,this Maori theatre company, never misses a beat. Witi Ihimaera's play is presented with all the skill and strength of a 'force majeur'. Really all Wellington theatre lovers should see it, and indeed everyone, especially the pakeha. It is a gem, andthis  company makes theatre as it should me, a total experience. Six Stars to this magnificent piece of theatre.

Witi Ihimaera returns,triumphant!

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