Monday 16 November 2015

Second chance!

The town is buzzing today with a big vigil planned for Civic Square at 6pm tonight which I can't attend as I am seeing a prospective housemate. Niki came in today to Memphis and really she is an old soul and we chatted nearly too much. As a great fan of Derek Jarman, I could hardly believe how many things in common we had. It seems she may be the flatmate I have been looking for, so I have given her an unconditional YES.

Paris in turmoil,streets closed and Parisians paranoid.

Niki talking about  big stuff....

Syrian brothers wanted for bombing

Another thing thing I always knew

Like Princess Diana's deathpeople in mourning.

French flag beamed over Wellington.Big Vigil  tonight.

I stayed home to see Heather, no joy there, and dashed into Civic Square to see the tail end of the Vigil. It was not great, And nor was it ever going to be in this humble city with Celia Wade-Brown as our non-descript Lord Mayor. Would we have a Clover Moore like in Sydney to look after the city. There were about sixty or so people left in what was a desultory effort to honor the fallen in Paris. A French tricolor lain on the fake lawn and a few candles strewn over it.  I don't think I have missed a moving monumental event this afternoon.

To celebrateNiki's decision to move in on the 28th I am catching a Johnny Depp movie at the Paramount. 

It's a summery night tonight and after that  'vigil' I don't feel like going home early. Spoke to Mr Patel and it's not sure the kitchen will be in tomorrow anyway so I think I will be waiting a week. Lucky Niki saw the house before the changes are happening, well, we will have a new dishwasher, not that I needed one, or ever use it!

Just out of  'Black Mass', a movie which was a rash choice, with the violence just too ugly and the story was unfortunately a true one. I certainly did nothing to uplift one's consciousness and  it made  me realise that these movies are best left unseen in spite of their technical and directorial skills and great acting. There was just too much male violence which in the light of the Paris massacres is not what anyone needs to see I'm afraid. I really don't know how Johnny Depp could emerge from such an acting experience emotionally unscathed.

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