Sunday 15 November 2015

Whanganui weekend

I unbelievably I slept in this morning till nine o'clock, and subsequently had to rush to Newtown market for some fruit and veggies to take to Graeme's at Whanganui. Did that, but then took the wrong road and got stuck in a Wellington no-go zone. So I had calculated to leave by ten am, but finally it was ten past as I left the city centre.

Traffic was not so bad but one and a half hours to get to Levin made me realise I that I would  be late for the 1pm ECK workshop. I needed a caffeine fix at Levin and there I asked a chap how long to Whanganui - one and a half hours he replied. It was ten to twelve when I left Levin so I wondered how
I would go. Well with luck and some calculated speeding I reached the city centre of Whanganui at five to one. I had made the trip in one hour ten minutes or less. Good on Bella, she really looked after me when I overtook every car on the road!  So I was even a tad early for the excellent ECK workshop given by Gwyneth and Elaine on conquering fear. 

 Graeme had invited me to his choral concert at four pm after the Workshop, so there was enough time to chat with the Whanganui people before arriving at the large Baptist Church for a well attended precursor of Christmas. It was a good event with  lots of talented people singing and playing music in a very friendly atmosphere.

Later we returned to Graeme's and with a good cuppa and lovely dinner from his garden, plus my Basmati rice and fish dish from Wellie, we finished a very full day. Tomorrow the Worship Service at the same venue and return home for dancing at seven...perhaps!
I may even give this week's dance a miss with the plumber due at eight thirty on Monday morning. This will be an all-important plumber's visit as the whole floor of the kitchen may have to be replaced after the source of  the water leak is discovered.

Coffee with bare-feet at Levin Macca's...more like a feast of fats!

No such thing as a small coffee here!

Celia will not be re-appointed as Wellington Mayor nor does she deserve this office.

Australia being shamed in the pressat the cost of the Labour Party.

And Aussies are not really the flavourof the month with their treatment of Kiwi-born petty crims being sent to penury on Christmas Island.

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