Sunday 15 November 2015

Plumbers and cancellations!

Monday arrives amd the plumbers are late, two hulking Kiwis who are going to pull up our kitchen floor to discover the problem of leaking drains.  Let's hope it's not too complicated and we don't lose our place to cook!

Also, Niki texted me on the way home last night to say the room is not right for her with all her work   commitments, and I understand, that's how things are, you never know until the right one comes. Tomorrow Heather is looking and I won't hold out much hope there either, but you never ever know!

This is what I have always said,food, as in leafy greens, is the solution to Alzheimers, as researchers in Oxford and Bergen (Sweden) Universities said decades ago when their research funding was pulled by the multinationals because they found that broccoli, yes Broccoli, would stop the development of Alzeimers disease - no drugs, just broccoli!

Paris is mourning....

Even in Memphis...

Isis a crazy cult of madmenkilling for Allah!

I don't understand why people want to bash themselvesup in sport, and now women in the boxing ring, duh, how stupid are they. And Richie McCaw probably has permanent brain damage from too much head-hitting in rugby.

Today at the Memphis listening to Johnny's seventies classics makes me yearn for a past which was more simple, sweet, and safe. What does the future hold for today's young people?

Home to discover that a whole new kitchen is planned, to be finished hopefully this week. The problem was a fault created by the former builder, who was not a plumber. Result, faulty pipes leading to overflow of sink water into the floor, but now we will at least have a clean and fresh kitchen for the new tenants. Strangely Niki has relooked at her work program and wants to reconsider renting the room, hence coffee with her at Memphis tomorrow. And Heather is coming at five-thirty, who knows?

Tonight I was asked to take the minutes for the monthly Interfaith Meeting. They are a rum bunch, but well meaning. We are now planning a Peace Vigil to commemorate the Paris Bombings. It was the last meeting of the year but for the Euthanasia Forum on November 30. It went half an hour overtime.

Tiwhanawhana was just supper for me, as I missed the poi practice. DeeAnne was effusive knowing that I visited her sister in hospital in Whanganui. Sharmaine was apparently close to death, or translation, as we say in ECK, and I may have been her last visitor. My visit there was very satisfying to say the least.
Whanganui, Victoria Street..beautiful old city.

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