Monday 30 November 2015

Leave for Melbourne

Today the plumbers arrived at eight to do nothing but look at the stove. Matt made a big noise and I discovered he was the one at fault with the earlier leak. They had come to move the stove and fridge away to allow the lino man to fit the lino who was due at 9.30 but still hadn't arrived by nine-forty. Such are tradesmen in Wellington. Tomorrow, he said the dishwasher comes and all will be OK, finally.
Jonah's funeral at Eden Parkin front of thousands...

Pussy cats in the news

Enya out again, such a voice!

My great nephew needs to see this who is an inspired cartoon artist and story teller.

Amazing result, lucky for Chris Cairnshis life is saved.

Packed up and in Memphis for final coffee then off to airport to wait for my plane scheduled at 3.45.
They say get there one hour at least for international flights but really one could arrive half an hour early and be ok. But from past experience I arrive now always two hours early. Better safe than sorry.

Last night the euthanasia forum was excellent with some informed discussion especially from the Catholic director of the Nathanial Institute. John Kleinsman advocated better caution than a rash change of law which could bring in more elder abuse, amongst other odious outcomes.

Climate change summit in Parismaking headlines all around the world.

The big Haka for Jonah

Arrived at airport too early to go through the barriers. Only one hour in advance do they open so am having some chips in the lounge when I get a text from Niki saying she will change the lock to the front door as it is not working.  I thought such things might happen, she it a bit of a control freak I fear, and I'll have to be careful how she goes. The front lock is quite ok, but obviously she has a handyman friend she likes to give work to. I rang her immediately to say hold the change till I return please, and we'll talk. She is just trying a bit too hard and is also going to buy a birthday cake for Alice's birthday on Saturday. I wonder how Alice will take it?  Sometimes you can be too generous too soon, which is obviously one of her traits, as she gave a birthday present to Jennifier without ever knowing her. I may have to have a talk with her about her 'generosity'. She also tells me the diswasher has arrived and happily will be installed this afternoon and all will be finished. A good result. 

I now feel Niki's problem may well be that like many vulnerable women now she is alone with Alice. She needs more security and wants the back door permanently  locked and the front door makes such a noise when opened. However I will explain the eccentricities of the house, in that the very front door of the veranda needs to be locked most of the time because of the winds. Then the back entrance, which is the quieter one by far for all concerned, is much the better option. It's just that she doesn't  like it left unlocked, which we used to do all the time as the house is easily burglarable through the many windows anyway. 

The major point is, it is practically one hundred percent unlikely to be targetted as it is half-way up steep stairs and sixty-nine of them at that!

At airport café with businessmen...

Sydney Kingsford Smith Domestic Airportis very swish and busy with thousands of people passing through its security system. Although I must say when I disembarked  at the International Terminal I was first through the customs and quarantine and out in about five minutes, quite a record. Immediately I recharged my Optus Sydney phone card and am set for the two weeks I am in Oz for a $30 recharge fee, unlimited text and calls in Australia for fifteen days.

A quick bus transfer from International to Domestic Terminal 2, and as I already had my boarding pass I printed in Wellington I sailed through security and now just have a two hour wait till my flight to   Melbourne at 8.45. 

It is quite hot but pleasant outside the air-conditioning of the air terminal. I saw it is only 23 degrees in Mebourne but goes up to 35 on Saturday, quite hot indeed, by then I should be more used to it. After all, it is my country, and it certainly feels like it. I have real nostalgia for it as I have nearly moved back twice already, but something has kept me in Wellington. I think it is the quality of life and the adventures which I am still having there. I do have longer friendships here of course, and they are the ones that matter most, but  I am naturally building similar friendships in Wellington. Who knows what the future holds, I must just live in the present and the future will take care of itself. Things are certainly happening for me in NZ there's no doubt about that, but my personality lies in Oz I am sure of that. I am just a transplant, or a misfit, depending which way you look at it. 
Melbourne will no doubt have another strange effect on me as I dearly love that city.

.....and walking....

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