Friday 6 November 2015

Saturday for Harold's Talk

Last night at Ron's I decided to give up my idea of going to Auckland to plead our cause. Tom advised against it, and I see that it would be a lot of wasted effort and expense. Also with Pam in disaster mode it is better to keep away from her at present, so with that I will now have some time to look for two new housemates as Sonny is leaving also in two weeks. Big changes afoot.

Am early at Rubia's at New Town for my Saturday coffee and market. Chatted with Oliva this morning with the nice result of her leaving a week earlier, saving her a week's rent and letting me have at least a few days to find her replacement. She leaves on 27th, Sonny on 21st so have a bit of advertising to do later today after we watch the video of the WW Seminar talk for 2015 with Sr Harold.
Friendly Indian proprietors at Rubia.

Today I have a feeling of a serious tug of change again, and it is, of course the Aussie pull happening.
As much as I love it here, I am not a Kiwi, and will never become one. After Springtime in March/April who knows where I'll be. I don't know if I can last another long cold winter in this house with its ever-changing  population.

Peta Mathias, quintessentialachieving and laconic Kiwi woman giving accurate advice to the wondering people.

Great food recipes in this countrywith lean beef.

...if you are meat eaters of coursewhich I normally am not.

Container living,compact and practical...

...and much more economical!oooh, one day perhaps.

Just spoke to the Landlord, Mr Patel, and broached the subject of my possible return to Oz in April next year. He was quite sanguine about it and said also if the water leak is stopped we don't need to renovate the bathroom, so will save some money there.  Now I have 'leaked' the possibility of my leaving, it will be interesting to see how my next Aussie visit turns out in December, but first, to find two new housemates!

Back from the seminar talk and it was as always, quietly terrific and we saw a Harold who is much more feeble of body but just as sharp in the brain. Always lessons to learn there, and next March I hope to go and see him in Minneapolis again.

Decided to catch the gay activist movie of the yearwith Julianne Moore playing a gay detective with terminal cancer. Her partner is refused legal rights to her estate but wins in the end. Very sad but upbeat, especially for lesbians. Have told Pam to see it as it is perfect for her in the present situation.

Free love, equality for all.

Sri Harold on screen at 2015 ECKworldwide seminar.

Our Resa, Viva,MCing the final session in Minneapolis.

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