Sunday 15 November 2015

Cold wet Sunday

Woke up to the monstrous news of Paris bomb attacks, leaving at least 129 people killed and several hundred injured, some critically. A concert stadium and some restaurants were targeted and France is in shut-down with all is national borders closed. I received a text from good friend Simone in Sydney who has family in Paris, to say they were all OK, but this horrific event is now surely to become France's 9-11.
Life will not be the same in Paris again and especially with the Climate Change Summit happening there in a few weeks. Tomorrow's newspapers will be jammed with pictures of the disaster, being attributed of course to several ISIS initiatives.
Graeme ruminating at breakfast...

Raining on his green lawn...

Grapes and roses in his lovely gardenCastle Cliff, Whanganui.

Cairns soon to be judged in London

Cat café opened in Auckland.

Cowboys in Palmie North!

Front page Sunday France will never be the same now.

With friends at Whanganui

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