Tuesday 30 September 2014

Imagine, Create, Design, Discover

These four words are the slogan writ large on the wall of the National Library of Wellington where I have gone for a coffee and to check out some of its gigantic resources.
Coffee OK and a Cinnamon bun. I must cease this sweet habit and start being healthier. One coffee a day is OK but not so many sweets as I don't need them and my body needs more protein not sugar!
View to terrace....
...many business meetings over coffee.
Serious female networking....
Some of it with men.

There is a low buzz of conversation. The atmosphere is quite different from the cafe at City Library. Can't put my finger on it but there is more aspiration here than the other place, probably just more workers. 
I am now finalising my activities in Auckland for this coming weekend, and have one more slot to fill. Perhaps I will ring Norma to see if she is free on Friday afternoon, she might like to see 'Gone Girl' with me as it looks to be be very good. However my RV with Pam is at 6.30 and I'm not sure they would be a goer together.
Just see what happens. Now on with my day...

Monday 29 September 2014

Lunch in Willis St Cafe

Am at Cafe Plum, in the sun, welcome back Springtime! 

I am having a quick coffee, my first for four days after the weekend stomach problems. Am later having a light lunch with David from my Mac Club who is passing on to me a Mac attachment for my photos.  Such a nice person I felt I had to agree with his suggestion for lunch, although I really don't know how I'll survive an hour having small talk about Apple Macs with him. I may just make that half an hour I think as I do have a Dr's appointment at two thirty and must not be late for that. 

Things are going well with new upgrade on my computer, although I just discovered another error when I found no Sim card in my Samsung phone, it had been thrown away by the salesman at Vodaphone who said he transferred all info to the iphone... Not true and now no Sim card. I have to be more conscious of what I do with electronics. I seem to go into a state of freeze mentality when I deal with anything to do with computers or cell phones. It's my age I suppose lol!

The sun has brought out a lot of people on Cuba street Mall and it is indeed a lovely day. I am gearing up for a warmer weekend in Auckland and hope to have a nice rendezvous with Pam so am off to  buy her a prezzie after lunch.

Day in the sun....

Meeting with David  was good, went fast and we both had a roll and he a coffee. His Mum, my age, lives just above me in Roseneath and is a Francophile! Interesting to see where that will go, ay?
On to the hospital, another interesting visit with Brendan, a lovely young dedicated Kiwi doctor, he gave me his private email to send him my story.  Again interesting. Onto to the nurse to do bloods, and she, a white Maori, was also 'interesting'. We discussed Te Reo Maori and its pros and cons, and why I left my class. She understands completely and says it's a pity the Maori weren't truer to their heritage like the Aussie Aboriginals...hey what an interesting thought, I went away with lots to think about.

On the bus home, after purchasing some lovely classical cassettes for fitfty cents each and a pair of gorgeous earrings for Pam, I get a call from Tom. He will meet me at Waitangi Park and take me home after shopping at New World. Such a nice person. We go home to have a long cup ot tea, he meets Sonny and we chat about lots of things in common, one in particular our love of Nina Simone. I recount my time of dancing with her in a nightclub in King Cross, Sydney, in 1967, and he recounts his story of hearing her sing in the South of France in a small night club. We do have nice exchanges, Tom and me!

Now to prepare a plate for Tiwhanawhana tonight, just fruit and chocolates, always safe and welcome.

My Mac Class

After discovering I had a Mac guru at home in the form of Sonny from Kashmir, who, it appears, was born with a computer as  a pacifier, I realised I really have not much need for my Mac group, but I feel strangely protective twards them.  Sonny has actually done in a quick time all the things my Mac class was not able to achieve in quite a few lessons. But anyway I am off to class as today we are to hear about the latest iPhone, the i6 model.

1.Good suggestion came up of getting a very 'hard to hack' password, I am now thinking of changing mine to something long and simple, like 'Ralph No 1 was my best friend ever'

2. Go to Edit, substitutions, ie omw on my way Go to text replacements another idea?

During supper I arranged lunch tomorrow  with David to pick up Apple connection we had discussed. He offered it at a cheap price so I said OK, will pay him more anyway but still cheaper. Easy peasy meeting as I have Dr.'s appt at 2.30 so a RV at 1pm at Willis St Cafe is perfect.

Also discovered new website for NZ historical documentaries at ScreenNZ.co.nz...certainly worth a look.
More suggestions....
Settings General Battery Usage check.....
You can turn off the predictive text
New apps 😊😊😊  swype for fast typing
Settings General keyboard allow swype keyboard allow full access
Swift key is a freebie but wants access to everything

Finished a bit late at 9.30pm but glad I went, my first real activity after my weekend in bed. 
Oh, did I mention I had a final massage at BP this morning, and the massage bed broke under the severe pummelling and I crashed to the floor. My last massage there I suspect! I wonder if it is an omen??

Our teacher David's screen up large..
Settling in...
Teacher and guru David at top of class..

Saturday 27 September 2014

What a weekend!

These photos don't say it all...it has been a freezing cold and rainy weekend to mark daylight saving.
What an irony, we 'spring' into Spring, one hour later, but we are actually in the middle of winter and I have spent the whole weekend in bed with a stomach bug. The big 60th bash at Flashdog had to go, I cancelled all three activities for today, and the tummmy is still not right. I don't know what I picked up on Friday but I don't like its effects. However it will go and I'm sure tomorrow  I'll be better, and hopefully the weather also. So apart from playing with the computer upgrading to IOS8 and to Maverick on the iMac, I have done little else, other than completely empty my system of all foodstuffs many times over.

These things happen, and it could have well begun with a misguided attempt at being supernhealthy with a fresh  veggie juice, 90%  beetroot followed by an extra strong coffee at Maranui. After that the body went to shock-tactics and said 'no more food' so I obeyed it and and now am slowly getting back to normal eating patterns. I suppose the bad weather was good really as it was not a time to be out and about in Wellington. But people were, and my two intrepid housemates S and K actually went fishing! They were the only ones out there and I wondered their good sense. Eventually, after an unplanned swim by K to retrieve the lure, they returned home, sans bounty, and tried desperately to get warm again.

Such is Wellington Spring weather, not to be envied. I spoke to both Hobart and Sydney today, it was 28 degees celsius in Tassie and only 23 in Sydney. Is the climate changing or what? Methinks it is!

It is cold and blue...
...and getting colder and darker

Thursday 25 September 2014

Maranui Surf Lifesaving Club

Tom came by to take me for a coffee, in lieu of my taking him to a movie of which more later.
The cafe he decided upon was the much lauded Maranui on Lyall Bay beach, the venue of the eponymous surf lifesaving club. It certainly lived up to expectations, great looking food, (I only had a coffee, strong but hot) but I will come back, but not possibly on weekends when the queue stretches out the door for metres.

 It was typical artistic and understated Kiwi with excellent service, and of course very full, even on a weekday. We were lucky to get a table as there were some who walked away I noticed. I took some snaps of their Maranui SLSC on the way down the steep steps, not at all wheelchair accessible, which gave me some nostalgic memories of my time in Terrigal SLSC. Nice memories those, of the NSW Central Coast.

Our  neighbours....
..even a singleton.
Inquisitive looking out....
..at the windy, wonderfu  bay views.

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Sun is back

So today I am out for morning coffee - excellent - with F who is my confidante in all things spiritual, and sometimes physical, as it may well  be. In this case it is both, as my fortunes are high and moving fast, and she knows the score, having been just back from whirlwind six months in USA. So I talk and she listens, making a few astute observations, all good and to the point. It is a good coffee time.

After this excellent coffee (and pastry!) on Tory at Havana, she suggests a spin to Lyall Bay for another coffee and fabulous view of the windswept ocean. The seaside road is spectacular and joining Lyall Bay to Island Bay is a route I hadn't before taken. Wondrous homes, amazing views, and all only a ten minute brisk drive from town. Wellington is truly amazing! 
Morning light in veranda.
..morning view from veranda.
Havana, possibly the BEST coffee in Wellington.

Here I get some valuable insights from F about being patient and letting the ECK show me the way.
In Sydney soon, I will get, or not, the nudge about the future with H. In the meantime, be patient and make no moves. My future may well be more international as it has always been. With C, just rest tight, no moves there. In other words, just BE PATIENT.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Last Coffee at Gotham

As much as I like the idea of Gotham, ie Batman being my favourite comic book character from preteen years, I have decided that this is my last coffee here. The Long Black is just short of being ordinary and I am now expecting the best. So be it. But they do have this magazine rack with another Kiwi icon magazine called MindFood. This is a twin example, along with 'Cuisine' the world winner cooking mag, that New Zealand can rightfully boast about. It is excellent and has such a good eco-slant, with New Age ideas, saving the environment etc. So five stars for the Kiwi magazine industry, er, food mags, that is!
'Just OK' coffee

Kate Hudson is more than OK and Grant Robertson, cover shot, may be the next gay leader of the Labor Party?

My rhinoceros table marker also in my magazine! Poor rhinos!

Recipe for schnapper to die for

What am I about to do with my fantasy about C? Last night I was given certain signs that she is interested in getting together somehow (or is it me?) and I am totally nervous, although I have already indicated my interest. I am such a dill when it comes to emotions, (being critical of my poor bro's incapacity!) especially when relationships have not been my strong point in my long eventful life - always choosing the wrong people and then regretting having to end it, or they ending it very wisely knowing full well that I was a bad risk. I always see the grass greener in the other paddocks. But if I embark on something now it is to be a serious one, and that is something I am afraid of. Me, whose mantra is 'No Fear!' What am I talking about? And what will I do? I have a fantasy in Sydney willing to be my travelmate, but I don't somehow trust him, although he has certainly a lot to offer, but not in certain areas. Spirituality must be one or them, which is of course supremely important for me. C, being Maori, indeed has spirituality, but is it of the the traditional kind, or is she able to see the Light and hear the Sound, and is this important? Love is love, and I suppose only time will tell, and the November 'Hui'  in Hamilton will doubtless tell me something, for better or for worse.

The boy waiters playing in Gotham..

Monday 22 September 2014

Te Papa

Am off early to town to post the birthday card to Luci. Discover that it is $8 to send 'cos I have enclosed a tidbit, is that ridiculous? Decide to put the $2 stamp and take the risk as it is only the size of a letter card anyway. Am sure it will get there OK. In Oz this is not a problem with slim enclosures, but here there are rules to be adhered to. I'll see see what happens but it must go today to get there in time for her birthday on Oct 2.

So I see Te Papa behind the PO and decide it is high time to resume my love affair with this marvellous  museum. And in entering the Dinosaur Exhibition I realise why I have this affair. But first up to the fourth floor to have a coffee and quiche at the the very salubrious cafe. That done, I notice behind me six young women all holding their newborn babes, having a 'bonding' session and discussing their experiences. The museum is a perfect kick-off for three-week old babies to savour the delights of cultural New Zealand it seems.

The sign above me says it all, 'Slice of Heaven' 20th Century Aoteraroa. This country is just that, a heaven to bring children up in, and then they escape to populate the world with their home-learned skills and amazing temperaments. I see a man pushing his babe in a Kiwi designed stroller, a state of the Art design. He is probably an employee of Te Papa bringing his babe to work, under their very advanced work guidelines. New Zealand is an amazing mixture of advancement and backwardness, but I am happy to say the advancement outweighs by far the backward element in this amazing high achieving country. 

For some reason I check out Wikipedia on Sir Woolf Fisher, the co-founder of the iconic Kiwi brand Fisher Paykel. I am not at all surprised to discover that her and his partner Paykel, now both deceased, were a  couple of Jewish sons of Latvian immigrants. They got together to fill a hole in the post-war refrigerator market and then decided to manufacture their own brand. Result, a billion dollar high class  manufacturing company which is the envy of the world. Both men were made Knights of the Realm and died quite young in their sixties but only after having achieved amazing success. Where there is great financial success there will inevitably a Jewish connection. Say no more!

I am off now to savour the prehistoric exhibition.....

A very nice cafe with quiche..

Dinosaur head...

State of Art stroller..

Local M.P. whose second cousin was her runner-up in the recent national elections. Such is the small gene pool of the New Zealand political family...

The baby club behind me...

Probable Te Papa informal staff meetings in the coffee lounge

Sunday 21 September 2014

Galeforce Southerlies

I am at Gotham Cafe reading about the election fallout. The day is freezing galeforce Southerlies so I am brave to be out but had to go to the post office. Gotham is warm and busy and I am waiting for a good coffee. Then home again to catch up with stuff and keep warm. It seems September is a bitter month and in three weeks I am happy to be in Sydney for some warmth.

Not warm at all.....
Smiling PM John Key....
Talking results?

Patent leather pointy brogues at Gotham City...!

..braving the weather.

Election Blues at the Laundry

With an hour before my Sunday night dance class I decide to go into Cuba Street and see what the young people are doing. The radio says the loss of Labour last night to an overwhelming National victory is a sad day for NZ so I'll see if it has affected anyone. I seriously doubt it has as the Kiwis are indomitable.

There is a band happening here tonight and the temperature outside is like winter. We have had a small reversal of Springtime to Wintertime and I am well rugged up. The fire in the cafe says it all.  It is warm and inviting and I have a fishburger which is quite filling, if a bit bland. But it's protein for my night of exercise.The day at home was profitable anyway as I finally got some data into my cell phone, that is, all my contacts are there now and I am able to travel more easily. There are still some overseas contacts I need to transfer but they can come later. It is so good to have one spot now where I can retrieve all information and that is the beauty of the i-phone, or any Smart phone I suppose.
The log fire roaring at The Laundry on Cuba...
...along with funky music
...waiting for the live show with a piano accordionist coming later. I would be happy to stay to listen as I love the piano accordion.

Some retro music is blasting from the back..'Gloria...a..a...a', brings back memories. I am just an ageing old rocker I suppose... 

Last night I saw another excellent Kiwi movie at Cuba Lighthouse. Called The Pa Boys, about three Maori boys forming a rock/reggae band and touring the North island. But it was really about the Maori connection with nature and the land. It was wonderfully acted, directed and filmed. It showed me the strength of the Maori culture and how different from the pakeha it is. I was fascinated but felt further away from them, really, as it is not at all my culture although I admire much of it, certainly its tribal spiritual aspects. It is a must-see movie for anyone interested in Maori culture.

Friday 19 September 2014

Election Day

Wet day for the election and came to Newtown for shopping, and a coffee at Bordeaux. Later to meet with Tom. This morning a big talk with S and K at home, so many good things going on there I can't believe it. They are getting on like a house on fire and exchanging ideas and cultural differences. They are light years apart in many ways, S having been a frequent NYC visitor because of his sister, and K never having been anywhere, but there is little difference as they are essentially of the same generation, but one from privilege and the other from simple but educated poverty. A delight to witness.

Across road the very best Havana coffee, next time ay?

Thursday 18 September 2014

Cafe Zaida's

Am in Zaida's waiting for photos to be printed at nearby Harvey Norman's. 
The stress of changing ISPs has all but gone and I am going to Vodafone now to talk to Chris, he was trying to be very helpful after all. Just to say thanks really.

Zaida's is an old Jewish family, I discover today, and the grandson is sitting alone having his morning brew at the centre table, under the watchful eyes of two ancestors on the wall. It is really a family concern and the bakery was its first premise, it then became a coffee shop when coffee became de rigeur for the middle classes. The blackboard says it all, today's food for thought is 'there is no way to peace, peace is the way', a quotation from Gandhi.

Nice wait people at espresso machine, two loving Zaida brothers featuring on wall behind.

The now owner having coffee, probably grandson of original Zaida, with his ancestors looking at him.

An impressive founding couple..

Election fever in the air

Handsome barista and Gandhi's message

Mr Bun's revisited

I am at the first cafe I visited in Wellington on my arrival over a year ago, corner of Courtenay Place and Taranaki St., the virtual centre of the city. The coffee was execrable if my memory serves me right, so I am having an avocado and chicken sandwich, sans coffee. Also I am really moving forward as I bought already my diary for 2015, need to plan for next year, and a calendar with beautiful NZ vistas to give my friends in Oz when I visit them next month.  

This morning in my absence, Sonny was home to connect the Modem and we are now officially with Vodafone. Am going home now  see if it is connected. They said a few hours at least to take effect but Sonny says it is up and running immediately and he should know, as he is a Modem engineer. Nice to have one in the house, ay, and he is also saving me $100 on not buying a new External backup as he says my old one is OK, not what Mr Welmac told me at the workshop. I now start to doubt their efficacy as I already wasted $40 on a useless visit a few weeks ago. Oh well, live and learn, and pay in the process.

Tonight I am off to Cafe Meow to sing with WOSOSI, well, not exactly, just one backup song of 'Shut de door, keep out de devil' which should be fun. I am really on the door selling their CDS. Again never a dull moment in wIndy Wellington. The choir is keen to have me do something with them and I am keen also to keep up my connection in some way. This is a great opportunity to do that although I am missing my now addictive swimming night at Kilbernie pool. Such is the price of being a busy person in this town.
Chicken sandwich at Mr Bun's

Courtenay Place

Saatchi and Saatchi...

Next year coming fast, now one day to a page!

Meow Cabaret Club

Eclectic Brazilian decor.

The event went well and I enjoyed singing the one song, especially after earlier having a harrowing hour trying to  connect  the new password without  Sonny( he was asleep). I misread the password putting 1 for I, I was sure it said 16 but it was I6. A very easy mistake but a very frustrating one, and it took me a while to get over it as I was quite nervous about the changeover which was actually as simple as apple pie. At least now we are Vodafone reconnected.