Monday 8 September 2014

Back at the Gotham

Another wonderful Spring day and I rush into town for a quick coffee before seeing Ron at BP.The  acceptance of MK to come next year to speak at the Candlelight needs some attention as he seems to be quite keen to come, with his partner Johan as well. It will be an important day for BP Wellington and I suppose it is happenning because of my efforts, so I have to take some responsibility for its favourable outcome.

Yesterday in the Dominion Post ten restaurants were named as unworthy, from hygiene or whatever, and Gotham was one of them! But it doesn't seem to have affected their busines as it is full already this morning. I order a savoury roll as well which is quite nice. The coffee is pretty good too.

Koroi went running this morning. He is using the beauty of our position to the full and I am sohappy about that. We all went to sleep very late last night as Sonny was speaking to Kashmir for half the night. His family home is under water and floods are rising. Communication is cut so he very worried about his parents and grandfather who are now stranded on the top floor of their mansion in Srinagar, or is it Delhi? I feel for him especially as he is so attached to them.

Feeling warmer today so no need for fleecy jacket, but am bringing out my Aussie symbol, which should get a look or two. See pic!
Suits at Gotham...

Serious stuff...

..for a roll and coffee.

Down and dirty...

Up the Aussie flag!

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