Tuesday 2 September 2014

Spring weather - delerious!

I just had to get out of the house early and leave the young ones to themselves. It is so delightful to have the sun shining and the bay sparkling like Elizabeth Taylor's diamonds!
I repair to Cuba street after my hair-cut with Danny is aborted. He is in Melbourne visiting his daughter so I'll  have to wait till next week for a cut.

So it is a coffee and bagel for seven dollars on the Mall - a treat I haven't given myself before.

Blissful Oriental Bay

More of bliss....
 ...and a BMW vintage model.
These are secenes fro Oriental Pde while waiting for my bus
Now on to Cuba Mall...
Cream cheese bagel and coffee
The 'scene' in Cuba...
The cake I'm droolong over, one day I will bake it..Tamarillo Cream cake!

Have had the best of the day as itu's now getting a bit cool, but young Wellington is out and enjoying themselves on Cuba Mall. The air of optimism, confidence and just enjoyment of life is clearly palpable listening to the young at play. A swallow comes and gets fed crumbs from my fingers. He is not afraid either. All is sweet in this Spring day in Wellington so I had better enjoy it while I am here. 

The low melodious voice of a guitar-playing busker is in the background. Unobtrusive and tuneful, he sits not expecting much, but loving his instrument. He is a Maori, or mix, as so many here are. There are not many, if any, of pure Maori blood these days. I will discover more of this when I go to my first Takatapui Hui near Hamilton in November. Should be very interesting indeed and I am already getting my psyche ready for it. I have decided to say 'yes' to everything now my time here is limited. I may even drive Bella up for her first excursion!

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