Sunday 7 September 2014

Black Coffee in Newtown

Monday, it comes so quickly. My life in Kiwi-land is just disappearing so fast, but yet it is so full. This morning I took K into town on my way to get car looked at. K had just very kindly cleanedmy plastic   headlights with his toothpaste! Says it needs another go tonight. Such is the boy! Cannot believe I have waited so long and it seems I finally have the perfect home environment and they even pay the rent. Fir flew off today on her much-needed holiday to Keri Keri. She has worked like a slave in her restaurant but such is the life of a professional cook. She has also decided, wisely I think, to buy another car very soon as her old one is about to die. The new one will be quite upmarket and it  will bring her some great job-satisfaction too. She has earned it, she deserves it, besides, she is an avid camper/traveller and needs a trusty vehicle. 

In town, Bho my mechanic at the garage, told me that he knew about my leaky water tank and will look at it on Wednesday. Thank goodness for that. My only other problem now is to find the right iPhone which I am about to look for on the internet. It will be a big step ahead as I have been steadfastly refusing this entry into the twenty-first century for quite a while now.

I look at my life and it seems to be going perfectly well. Each day is a new adventure and I am having wonderful experiences while achieving some long term goals. My astrology reading came through and it was as I expected. Lots of changes ahead, lots of possibilities, overseas mentioned quite often, living in faraway countries etc etc. Nothing I didn't already know but it was interesting to see confirmation of what I had thought.  I look  forward to seeing if H. wants to play a part in my next exciting chapter. If not, someone else will I am sure of that. 

Now I am about to check  fares to London for next August, just to get an idea of what I will be paying as it is peak season. But I have decided to go to Birmingham in August for the European ECK seminar and this is my big trip for next year. My finances will then be sorely depleted so I will have to make the plans for my next stage with some reality in mind. But it is exciting thinking about it.

 I found today a lovely and perfect gift for Maisie which I will post tomorrow. She has been so patient listening to all my ravings weekly as I phone her in Melbourne. But she is the only one who really understands what I am doing here, and in the world today. The gift is a book to be her Dream Diary and I am sure she will love it. Blue leather-bound, handmade and stitched, it is a delight to touch. I am so happy to have found it in  a 'pop-up' shop in downtown Wellington.

Also, after a conversation with Terry C. in Moss Vale this morning I have decided to advertise FREE French lessons for my neighbours in Roseneath, which is also to be part of my Neighbourhood Leader program. Another thing to do asap!

New Cafe in Newtown, great coffee!

...with Wall Art...

My latest bed companion, lent by Lesley, a real, and true, thriller!

Maisie's  book

Korois' nook, with guitar...

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