Monday 8 September 2014

I-phone Day!

Is it just because the business is called  'P.B.' that I decided to dive in and get my first i-phone?
More likely because it is a a good price and solves all my dilemma about phone, GPS, camera, at one go. I have got to live in this modern age and accept what it demands, and that is obviously, an i-phone.
Now to learn how to use it! 

At St James Foyer...
Ballet mad posters..
Long black with hot milk in a takeaway to stay hot, and also delicious rhubarb flan!

The next big Musical to arrive at St James

Don't know why I don't come here more often to get a 'theatre-blast' as it is such a lovely large and comfy venue. The coffee is not too fantastic but next time I'll have a pot of tea and just drink in the atmosphere. It is the home of the NZ ballet and has most of the big productions here, being quite a bit larger than the Opera  house down the road. I saw the Israeli Dance Company here and the seats were excellent and the atmosphere thick and theatrical. Would love to work in a place like this, or should I say, to 'have worked' in a place like this, remember your age mate!
Am quietly deciding to have a haircut and then buy my i-phone from PB as I think it's worth the investment. I have waited quite a long time to decide and I'm sure I won't regret it and become an i-phone addict. So I am off to see if Danny has  returned from his trip to Melbourne.

Lesley being boss at BP...

Well I have bought the phone, and for better or for worse, am now married to it. It looks and feels great, has an Apple ease of use, but am yet to find out if it costs a lot more to use, most new things do although I am keeping my pre-paid Vodaphone account to keep costs down.

Here it is below, tucked in its new blue home. It is much more practical I must say combining three essentials items now into one small and easy package. Lesley has linked me into Viber and such, the GPS is installed, and it's all ready to go. Well I hope!

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