Saturday 6 September 2014

Cafe Zaida on Sunday

I just had to see the sun again and I let the new boy out to discover Wellington alone. I am sure with his smile and bubbly perspnality he will not be lonely. 

Am still coming to grips with a broken camera - sometimes it works but most times it doesn't. I think it is at the end of the road somehow. Looking for an i-phone on ebay or Trademe is the next adventure. Should be interesting. Also tomorrow am off to see the mechanic Vijay or Bho about my perennially empty water tank (a leak??), something needs to be done there if I am to drive up north in November. Needs to be shipshape or not at all I'm afraid.

In the meantime I am spending a sunny Sunday being a cafe rat, as normal! But I as well eventually got to visit friends Lesley and Woi Woi in their Island Bay home - delightful!

Nice bakery at Zaida's
Sunny outside...
Hell in the newspapers, as always..
Spring daffodils on tables...

Zaida's family in the fifties

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