Thursday 18 September 2014

Mr Bun's revisited

I am at the first cafe I visited in Wellington on my arrival over a year ago, corner of Courtenay Place and Taranaki St., the virtual centre of the city. The coffee was execrable if my memory serves me right, so I am having an avocado and chicken sandwich, sans coffee. Also I am really moving forward as I bought already my diary for 2015, need to plan for next year, and a calendar with beautiful NZ vistas to give my friends in Oz when I visit them next month.  

This morning in my absence, Sonny was home to connect the Modem and we are now officially with Vodafone. Am going home now  see if it is connected. They said a few hours at least to take effect but Sonny says it is up and running immediately and he should know, as he is a Modem engineer. Nice to have one in the house, ay, and he is also saving me $100 on not buying a new External backup as he says my old one is OK, not what Mr Welmac told me at the workshop. I now start to doubt their efficacy as I already wasted $40 on a useless visit a few weeks ago. Oh well, live and learn, and pay in the process.

Tonight I am off to Cafe Meow to sing with WOSOSI, well, not exactly, just one backup song of 'Shut de door, keep out de devil' which should be fun. I am really on the door selling their CDS. Again never a dull moment in wIndy Wellington. The choir is keen to have me do something with them and I am keen also to keep up my connection in some way. This is a great opportunity to do that although I am missing my now addictive swimming night at Kilbernie pool. Such is the price of being a busy person in this town.
Chicken sandwich at Mr Bun's

Courtenay Place

Saatchi and Saatchi...

Next year coming fast, now one day to a page!

Meow Cabaret Club

Eclectic Brazilian decor.

The event went well and I enjoyed singing the one song, especially after earlier having a harrowing hour trying to  connect  the new password without  Sonny( he was asleep). I misread the password putting 1 for I, I was sure it said 16 but it was I6. A very easy mistake but a very frustrating one, and it took me a while to get over it as I was quite nervous about the changeover which was actually as simple as apple pie. At least now we are Vodafone reconnected.

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