Saturday 27 September 2014

What a weekend!

These photos don't say it has been a freezing cold and rainy weekend to mark daylight saving.
What an irony, we 'spring' into Spring, one hour later, but we are actually in the middle of winter and I have spent the whole weekend in bed with a stomach bug. The big 60th bash at Flashdog had to go, I cancelled all three activities for today, and the tummmy is still not right. I don't know what I picked up on Friday but I don't like its effects. However it will go and I'm sure tomorrow  I'll be better, and hopefully the weather also. So apart from playing with the computer upgrading to IOS8 and to Maverick on the iMac, I have done little else, other than completely empty my system of all foodstuffs many times over.

These things happen, and it could have well begun with a misguided attempt at being supernhealthy with a fresh  veggie juice, 90%  beetroot followed by an extra strong coffee at Maranui. After that the body went to shock-tactics and said 'no more food' so I obeyed it and and now am slowly getting back to normal eating patterns. I suppose the bad weather was good really as it was not a time to be out and about in Wellington. But people were, and my two intrepid housemates S and K actually went fishing! They were the only ones out there and I wondered their good sense. Eventually, after an unplanned swim by K to retrieve the lure, they returned home, sans bounty, and tried desperately to get warm again.

Such is Wellington Spring weather, not to be envied. I spoke to both Hobart and Sydney today, it was 28 degees celsius in Tassie and only 23 in Sydney. Is the climate changing or what? Methinks it is!

It is cold and blue...
...and getting colder and darker

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