Tuesday 30 September 2014

Imagine, Create, Design, Discover

These four words are the slogan writ large on the wall of the National Library of Wellington where I have gone for a coffee and to check out some of its gigantic resources.
Coffee OK and a Cinnamon bun. I must cease this sweet habit and start being healthier. One coffee a day is OK but not so many sweets as I don't need them and my body needs more protein not sugar!
View to terrace....
...many business meetings over coffee.
Serious female networking....
Some of it with men.

There is a low buzz of conversation. The atmosphere is quite different from the cafe at City Library. Can't put my finger on it but there is more aspiration here than the other place, probably just more workers. 
I am now finalising my activities in Auckland for this coming weekend, and have one more slot to fill. Perhaps I will ring Norma to see if she is free on Friday afternoon, she might like to see 'Gone Girl' with me as it looks to be be very good. However my RV with Pam is at 6.30 and I'm not sure they would be a goer together.
Just see what happens. Now on with my day...

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