Thursday 18 September 2014

Cafe Zaida's

Am in Zaida's waiting for photos to be printed at nearby Harvey Norman's. 
The stress of changing ISPs has all but gone and I am going to Vodafone now to talk to Chris, he was trying to be very helpful after all. Just to say thanks really.

Zaida's is an old Jewish family, I discover today, and the grandson is sitting alone having his morning brew at the centre table, under the watchful eyes of two ancestors on the wall. It is really a family concern and the bakery was its first premise, it then became a coffee shop when coffee became de rigeur for the middle classes. The blackboard says it all, today's food for thought is 'there is no way to peace, peace is the way', a quotation from Gandhi.

Nice wait people at espresso machine, two loving Zaida brothers featuring on wall behind.

The now owner having coffee, probably grandson of original Zaida, with his ancestors looking at him.

An impressive founding couple..

Election fever in the air

Handsome barista and Gandhi's message

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