Friday 5 September 2014

New arrival - Koroi from the Solomons

Finally after much waiting for my front room to be filled, including a good dose of patience on my behalf, Koroi arrives by taxi this morning with his two large bags and a few smaller ones, plus an electric guitar. You never know what a new housemate has till he or she arrives. But at least he comes up in just two ascents, which is pretty good, given the 69 steps to our house.

He settles in well with Sonny who is busy in the kitchen preparing his hot Indian breakfast as normal. They seem to get on very well and soon I hear someone strumming the guitar, softly, and look out to see it is Sonny! They are like a pair of brothers so it augurs well. I will leave them alone and now go shopping to the Newtown markets as is my wont on a Saturday morn. 

But first a nice coffee at the Bordeaux, which is one of a big Kiwi cafe chain and I am agreeably surpised, my coffee is very good! I then take out my camera to do a shot and something is wrong. The lens is not automatically extending! I then examine it and see there is a slight bump in it. I am totally gobsmacked as I took as shot earlier at home of Sonny and Koroi and it went OK. Something has mysteriously gone wrong, it is out of insurance I am sure and anyway it would not be covered by external damage. It is hard to lose a trusty camera which I constantly use everyday. I really don't know what I'll do so I'll wait till Monday and see what I feel. I can't live without a camera and my old Nikon is sitting also broken on my shelf. What a strange mishap, I wonder what karma I am satisfying there?
Am I getting down to the acceptance of buying an I-phone/camera and being like everyone else?  I-phones do take great photos anyway, but heck, I'll be like all the other trendy nerds!

I'll just think about it later, first have to buy some fruit and veggies.
Smiling chef Sonny..

teaching happy Koroi!

More awful news on page one...

..but great coffee at Bordeaux!

Wet street in Newtown..

..but sells good jeans!

Short visit to Island Bay to see Woi Woi

...dear Lesley at their home with great mountain views.

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