Tuesday 23 September 2014

Last Coffee at Gotham

As much as I like the idea of Gotham, ie Batman being my favourite comic book character from preteen years, I have decided that this is my last coffee here. The Long Black is just short of being ordinary and I am now expecting the best. So be it. But they do have this magazine rack with another Kiwi icon magazine called MindFood. This is a twin example, along with 'Cuisine' the world winner cooking mag, that New Zealand can rightfully boast about. It is excellent and has such a good eco-slant, with New Age ideas, saving the environment etc. So five stars for the Kiwi magazine industry, er, food mags, that is!
'Just OK' coffee

Kate Hudson is more than OK and Grant Robertson, cover shot, may be the next gay leader of the Labor Party?

My rhinoceros table marker also in my magazine! Poor rhinos!

Recipe for schnapper to die for

What am I about to do with my fantasy about C? Last night I was given certain signs that she is interested in getting together somehow (or is it me?) and I am totally nervous, although I have already indicated my interest. I am such a dill when it comes to emotions, (being critical of my poor bro's incapacity!) especially when relationships have not been my strong point in my long eventful life - always choosing the wrong people and then regretting having to end it, or they ending it very wisely knowing full well that I was a bad risk. I always see the grass greener in the other paddocks. But if I embark on something now it is to be a serious one, and that is something I am afraid of. Me, whose mantra is 'No Fear!' What am I talking about? And what will I do? I have a fantasy in Sydney willing to be my travelmate, but I don't somehow trust him, although he has certainly a lot to offer, but not in certain areas. Spirituality must be one or them, which is of course supremely important for me. C, being Maori, indeed has spirituality, but is it of the the traditional kind, or is she able to see the Light and hear the Sound, and is this important? Love is love, and I suppose only time will tell, and the November 'Hui'  in Hamilton will doubtless tell me something, for better or for worse.

The boy waiters playing in Gotham..

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