Monday 29 September 2014

Lunch in Willis St Cafe

Am at Cafe Plum, in the sun, welcome back Springtime! 

I am having a quick coffee, my first for four days after the weekend stomach problems. Am later having a light lunch with David from my Mac Club who is passing on to me a Mac attachment for my photos.  Such a nice person I felt I had to agree with his suggestion for lunch, although I really don't know how I'll survive an hour having small talk about Apple Macs with him. I may just make that half an hour I think as I do have a Dr's appointment at two thirty and must not be late for that. 

Things are going well with new upgrade on my computer, although I just discovered another error when I found no Sim card in my Samsung phone, it had been thrown away by the salesman at Vodaphone who said he transferred all info to the iphone... Not true and now no Sim card. I have to be more conscious of what I do with electronics. I seem to go into a state of freeze mentality when I deal with anything to do with computers or cell phones. It's my age I suppose lol!

The sun has brought out a lot of people on Cuba street Mall and it is indeed a lovely day. I am gearing up for a warmer weekend in Auckland and hope to have a nice rendezvous with Pam so am off to  buy her a prezzie after lunch.

Day in the sun....

Meeting with David  was good, went fast and we both had a roll and he a coffee. His Mum, my age, lives just above me in Roseneath and is a Francophile! Interesting to see where that will go, ay?
On to the hospital, another interesting visit with Brendan, a lovely young dedicated Kiwi doctor, he gave me his private email to send him my story.  Again interesting. Onto to the nurse to do bloods, and she, a white Maori, was also 'interesting'. We discussed Te Reo Maori and its pros and cons, and why I left my class. She understands completely and says it's a pity the Maori weren't truer to their heritage like the Aussie Aboriginals...hey what an interesting thought, I went away with lots to think about.

On the bus home, after purchasing some lovely classical cassettes for fitfty cents each and a pair of gorgeous earrings for Pam, I get a call from Tom. He will meet me at Waitangi Park and take me home after shopping at New World. Such a nice person. We go home to have a long cup ot tea, he meets Sonny and we chat about lots of things in common, one in particular our love of Nina Simone. I recount my time of dancing with her in a nightclub in King Cross, Sydney, in 1967, and he recounts his story of hearing her sing in the South of France in a small night club. We do have nice exchanges, Tom and me!

Now to prepare a plate for Tiwhanawhana tonight, just fruit and chocolates, always safe and welcome.

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