Monday 15 September 2014

Cafe Plum

Another cool but sunny day sees me in Cuba Street, this time at Cafe Plum, where I have been once or twice before. This time I decide to have some poached eggs, just to see how they make them.
I really came into town to see Vodafone who are charging me already for my plan and I don't seem to be using it much. So after a quick talk with Voda-guru Chris he assures me I am only being charged pro-rata for my first few days and haven't used any data yet. Truth is, I'm still not used to having it as my sole communications tool. When and if I ever do, I will then use the tool efficiently. Or not, as I don't at all want to be an i-phone nerd who is constanting checking his emails etc. I really just want to learn how it works as it has so many apps which can be very useful when travelling. They really are for travellers, and I suppose I am still one of those animals!
Two nice poached free-range eggs and hot coffee..

All good at the Plum

Art work as well.

Spying fears now in Auckland...

My march yesterday in the news.

Yesterday I spent the whole morning on a March against Domestic Violence. I put it in caps as it is such an important and awful phenomon in NZ, and mainly, I fear, with the Maori Islander population. The march was heavily loaded with these females and girls and only few men like me. The speeches were tough and hard and gut wrenching in  their detail of awful rapes perpetrated by so called loving partners and fathers on their children. It was a good march for me to begin my social awareness in NZ.
In the evening I then had the amazing irony of attending my first Interfaith Committee meeting at St Andrew's Hall and the whole two hours were spent trying to decide where the next meeting was to be held, really! The secretary and treasurer were obviously from the back of beyond, no wonder that for the whole year I received not one email about events last year. It is an absolute schemozzle and I wonder where they are going I don't they know themselves. They mean well, but organisation-wise, they are a dead loss. A Bah'ai representative tried to salvage something but she was stymied at every move. Again a test of my patience as it is their event and their country,  I am just a visitor, but I want ECKANKAR to be made known at least! We'll see what will eventuate this year. 

Doing something positive with Interfaith is one of the major goals I have to do before quitting these wonderful islands, which will now, after signing twelve months lease with Vodafone, not be until this time next year at the earliest, which is fine. I will be patient for there is lots to do here before I have my fill.

Quietly sitting at right background in sun is legendary trans Maori MP Georgina Beyer

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