Tuesday 1 April 2014

April arrives - Indian Summer

One cannot predict seasons -  especially in this twenty-first century. The last few days at twenty degrees have been perfect, not even too windy. Next week I am on my way to USA, via Sydney for two days to celebrate my brother's birthday, and then Sunday morning I leave Sydney to arrive Sunday night at Minneapolis, via a brief stopover in Toronto. It does seem rather weird and that's why the body tends to be reactive to the enormous time changes, in a rather bad way sometimes. Our bodies weren't created for such travelling and they pay for it, especially when in aircraft you are susceptible to so many air-born germs in a very confined space. I am considering for the first time to have a preventive 'flu vaccine before I leave, just in case. My health in NZ has been in a great condition and I want to keep it that way.

My class last night at Tiwhanawhana was excellent. It appears I will learn the Maori tongue much more easily and with more fun, by learning to sing their 'waita', and not really bothering about their practically non-existent grammar. The Monday night Te Reo was as disastrous as ever. I am still convinced they have decided to punish the Pakeha for stealing their land, making learning their language as painful as possible, well nigh impossible. But I intend to persevere whatever they throw at me, as it is after all, their country and a very beautiful one with fabulous people living here.
Balmy Autumn weather over Evans Bay

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