Sunday 27 April 2014

Grand Tour of greater Vancouver

Duncan is indeed an unbeatable host, something which I had already suspected would be the case. He has had numerous guests and makes them feel very welcome with a tour in his big Hyundai car taking them all around the scenic spots, including, for me, the wonderful Simon Fraser University with spectacular views over the Fraser River. He also took me to the border-crossing to the USA just a ten minute drive from Surrey where they live. Giving a lively commentary everywhere we went I was given a good insight  into the way Vancouverians enjoy their great lifestyle.  I am all the more tempted to try out living in this great city some time in the future but only when Wellington has blown me off the map, and that won't be for a few years yet.

The more I see of it, Vancouver is very beautiful indeed, and with a lifestyle to be envied. Apparently it rains a lot which some say spoils things, but coming from gale-blown Wellington, anything is small cheese for me. Surrey is a very up-market region and the people living here are in the more wealthy bracket. The McKenzies next week are having a mere twenty-two guests for a luncheon welcoming the visiting three Scottish Musicians coming over for a week's gigs, also organised by Duncan! He is really the 'force majeur' in Vancouver Scottish Country.

Here an early edition of Oliver Twist, with illustrations by an early ancestor of Margaret McKenzie...

At dance at Gleneagles

View from SFU

Terry Fox who inspired a nation, and who died in his marathon attempt, a bronze at Simon Fraser University

The last day I spend in Surrey is quiet, but just as interesting as I decide to go with Margaret, Duncan's wife, to her Toast Master's Meeting at the White Rock Library. This left Duncan to do his newsletter and me to see another side of Canadian life in Surrey. The library in White Rock was very well appointed and the small group, about ten, with three visitors, half filled the room. It was Margaret's turn to be Toast Master, and of course I was invited to participate, twice getting up to speak.

The afternoon was routine but still stimulating, with a very nice and bright bunch including a few Taiwanese who managed quite well to deliver their speeches - very impressive. Afterwards we were invited to join everyone for a coffee at a nearby cafe, so we all got together and had more chats without the pressure of giving speeches. Brenda, one of the group who gave an excellent talk on 'Integrity', had Parkinsons' Disease, and was truly remarkable. I had some more in-depth discussion when the leader, Beverly, asked me what my HU badge was on my jacket. All in all it was a very profitable meeting and later Margaret and I picked up some salad at a local excellent green grocers' to take home for dinner as I had suggested I would make an omelette before I left for the airport at 8 pm. 

Home after a quick nap, and all packed, the hastily prepared omelette went down well, and Duncan, in superb humour, drove me the three quarter of an hour drive to the airport, with an ultra-smooth entry as I wanted to be extra early. Am now here sitting at Gate 52 waiting to board at 11pm with a window seat waiting for me. 

It has been a very interesting and life-changing holiday as I am now not quite sure how much longer I will live in New Zealand? Amazing what a two week break can do, especially when you are ready for changes.

Toast Masters at White Rock

Selfie in apron with Margaret

Last supper at Surrey

On my way home, with two Polar Bears!

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