Saturday 19 April 2014

Saturday - day of the Mahanta

Today is the biggest day of the four day Seminar with the evening appearance and speech of the Living ECK Master Sri Harold Klemp. Sri Harold only appears twice a year in public and this is the first one this year so they are expecting an overflow of over two and half thousand people at the Hilton.  I may take in his talk at the lower room with the televised live projection on a very large screen as sometimes it is even better than the enormous and excited crowd in the main auditorium. But first more Roundtables, the ECK Clerics training, my first ever, and a two hour workshop for writers, something which I can well do with I am sure. So it is a very big day indeed.

Front page of the program.

Breakfast Frenzy at Holiday Inn...I cannot stay here again with such a disgusting breakfast!
The results of such breakfasts....say no more!

The constant news reportage of world disasters is becoming too much to listen to, especially with the diatribe that US news reporters go on with. It makes for total indigestion. A small dose of American advertising is more than enough to put you off this amazing country which has created such masterpieces along with some of the world's worst disasters, all in the name of America is Best! 

Morning goes well with a Writers' Workshop giving me some good ideas and excellent motivation -a great bunch of people there. Later D and daughter A join a group of us for an al fresco lunch in a vacant tree-filled courtyard nearby. It is a chatty and very friendly luncheon lasting two hours and we all are very happy to be together. Gordy, the  Swede from the Satsang is there with lovely wife K and strapping son S just back from his ice hockey job in Stockholm. A beautiful family and lots of good stories were parlayed.

Then on to another workshop for Clerics but I was so tired I nearly went to sleep. A quick nap to revitalise helped for my return to the Translators desk. Then it was time for the evening session and Sri Harold's talk. The creative Arts were excellent as were the lead-up speakers and when Sri Harold took the stage the auditorium erupted in applause. As always  he was humorous and told a few relevant stories to the subject of the talk,  'The Language of Love'.
It was the end of a busy and exhausting day but certainly worth the visit just to see and hear the Living ECK Master. I took many photos some of which will soon be posted on Facebook.

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