Friday 18 April 2014

Day two at Seminar

Up early but finally had some hours of good sleep so can say the jet lag is diminishing fast. Had a nice warm spa bath which is the luxury item in our otherwise ordinary bedroom, with the roll-out bed not too comfortable but M insists on taking it.

My bath!

Breakfast downstairs is a desultory affair, tasteless scrambled eggs, processed yoghurt, tepid sweet weak coffee, and a toasted bagel, the last being the only authentic food and it all carb. Well such is the American diet!
I am off to HU at 8.30 and a round table possibly with M facilitating. After I do my first gig at the Translators' desk which I am looking forward to. Weather is below zero but no snow.
Breakfast is a serious business...
...even alone.
   :  )

New Croatian friend Zlatek at the Round Table discussion on relationships.

The whole day was good, but interrupted by a necessary two hour nap in the afternoon which refreshed and  reminded me my body clock is still adjusting to the time changes. The hour at the translation desk went quickly and I met Quebecois Marc Fournier who was there two years ago when I first volunteered. I remembered him well.

The Round table discussion was interesting and many contributed their varied experiences, mostly big  success stories. On my way out I encountered a very old friend I had met thirty years ago in Sydney at another Seminar and we had a lovely exchange. Anita was a lively lady who claimed to have been born from an alien and I quite believe her!  The evening sessions, usually the best, didn't disappoint with a great panel of two Nigerian young men and a German lady speaking of their fascinating learning experiences. certainly the Africans are always the ones at the seminars with colourful stories to tell. One day I must go to an African Seminar and experience first hand the charisma that abounds with these African ECKists. 

After more meet-ups with old friends M and I retire early after I had made a hasty shopping expedition to the nearby Target to buy some food for our al fresco lunch on Saturday which D has organised, a tradition she loves to keep up. So the seminar shows me yet again why I come half way around the world, to experience like-spirits who are leading amazing lives which I try to emulate some how myself. More tomorrow!

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